Cricopharyngeal spasm

Pet allergies

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Pet allergies can be distressing especially among those who have pets. Luckily, there are treatment options and measures to avoid the symptoms.

The proteins from the saliva, body oil or urine of household pets can trigger an allergic reaction that affects the eyes and airways as well as result to asthma-like symptoms and hay fever. In some cases, it can also cause eczema.

The usual triggers for pet allergies include dogs and cats. Even hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, birds, poultry and cows might also trigger reactions as well.

Why am I allergic to animals?

The animal allergens are proteins that instigate the production of histamine which results to an allergic reaction upon contact with the skin or inhalation.

It is still uncertain why some individuals develop pet allergies. It is believed that there is a tendency for the reactions to be hereditary. Some suggest that early exposure to pets might be a factor though. Still, the studies can be conflicting but shows that high exposure during the early stages has a protective effect, but the tolerance diminishes and allergy develops if exposure is lost.

Indications of pet allergies

Pet allergies
Symptoms similar to hay fever such as runny or blocked nose and sneezing episodes

Upon direct exposure to animals, objects that contain allergens or inhalation, the following reactions can manifest:

  • Eye symptoms such as watery and itchy eyes
  • Symptoms similar to hay fever such as runny or blocked nose and sneezing episodes
  • Asthma, coughing and wheezing
  • Urticaria or nettle rash which is an itchy reddened irritation

These symptoms are intensified if exposed to tobacco smoke, pollution, chemicals and automobile fumes. Additionally, environmental allergens such as pollen can also worsen the symptoms.

What can I do?

If an individual has allergic symptoms, it is vital to avoid the triggers and ensure that the house is free from pets.

In case the animal could not be parted, the following should be taken into consideration:

  • Always wash hands after contact with the animal.
  • Do not allow pets to lick your face.
  • Do not allow pets in the bedroom, especially on the bed.
  • The floor and walls of the house should be kept clean. Polished hard flooring is usually the best choice. Carpets that can be cleaned weekly is also an option.
  • Only keep a few upholstered furniture pieces.
  • Bedding sheets should be washed weekly at 60 degrees C.
  • Only use blankets and pillows that are washable.
  • When cleaning the house, utilize a damp microfiber cloth and a vacuum cleaner at least twice a week.
  • Plush or stuffed toys that were exposed to animals should be washed every month at 60 degrees C or stored in a freezer for 8 hours.

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