A palm rash has a variety of possible causes. It is important to note that a rash is simply a symptom that causes the skin to burn, itch or end up with bumps. A rash might be a sign of an infection or exposure to an irritant.
Common causes of palm rash
- Allergic reaction – sensitivity to certain foods or medications can trigger an allergic reaction where the skin starts to itch, blister or form hives. The palm rash can be accompanied by the usual symptoms of an allergic reaction.
A rash might be a sign of an infection or exposure to an irritant. - Dry skin – during the cold season, the weather can dry out the skin. This can cause the palms to itch and flake. Eczema and certain drugs can also dry out the skin. If scratched, the symptoms become worse.
- Ringworm – this is a fungal infection defined as a ring-shaped rash on different parts of the body. If it forms on the palms, it does not have the distinctive ring-shaped pattern.
- Contact dermatitis – this is a type of eczema that triggers a palm rash upon exposure to an irritant. The rash might arise right away or take some time to manifest. The usual triggers include poison oak, poison ivy, latex gloves, nickel or jewelry.
- Psoriasis – this is a skin condition defined by inflammation in different body parts including the palms. Aside from the palm rash, it can be accompanied by dry scaling skin, redness, cracking and dense skin.
- Hand, foot and mouth disease – this is a contagious viral infection that affects children. It is characterized by the formation of sores and rash in the mouth and on the feet and hands.
- Impetigo – this skin condition affects children causes the formation of blisters on the neck, face and hands.
- Dyshidrotic eczema – the condition causes the formation of small, itchy blisters on the palms. They usually form as clusters and can be painful. Within 3 weeks, the blisters eventually dry and peel.
Management of a palm rash
The treatment for a palm rash is based on the underlying cause. Some of the rashes might heal on their own and treatment is not required. In other instances, treatment simply involves the application of lotion to moisturize dry skin.
For an allergic reaction, antihistamine or an allergy drug is given to lessen the symptoms.
If due to eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis, a topical cream is prescribed to suppress the immune response. It is also vital to avoid the potential triggers as well as keeping the hands properly moisturized.