Indications of apple allergy

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Apples are capable of triggering allergic reactions in only a few individuals. Even though this is considered as a low-allergy causing food, apple can instigate oral allergy symptoms among individuals who are allergic to birch pollen. These individuals can end up with sensitivities only to uncooked apples or only to the apple skin.

It is important to note that this cross-reactivity with birch pollen and fruits linked to pollen can make the diagnosis of an actual apple allergy difficult. The individual should carefully monitor their symptoms and discuss with an allergist on appropriate measures to manage the symptoms.

What are the oral symptoms?

The allergy symptoms of the mouth, lips and throat can precede other indications of apple allergy or can even indicate a cross-reaction during the spring birch pollination season. The itchiness and tingling of the lips or throat can develop right after eating apples along with elevated bumps inside the mouth and itchiness.

An individual might also have sensitivities to fruits that are related to apples such as pears and quinces. If an individual can consume cooked apples without suffering any problems, an allergic reaction to the birch pollen is responsible for triggering the apple cross-reaction.

What are the skin symptoms?

Apple allergy
Individuals who have moderate to severe swelling can end up with difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Just like with other food allergies, an apple allergy typically prompts itching of the skin often along with a topical rash within an hour or so of consuming apples. Redness, flaky or patchy skin can persist or eventually progress to hives or a rash of bumps or welts.

In most cases, the area can feel sore or tender while swelling can develop locally or on the face and eyelids. Severe swelling can cause the eyes to close shut.

What are the respiratory symptoms?

The allergy symptoms affecting the respiratory tract can originate from tissue inflammation or can indicate the start of anaphylaxis. Remember that anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that requires immediate care. Individuals who have moderate to severe swelling can end up with difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Take note that the inflammation of the mucous membranes can obstruct the airways. This results to nasal congestion, runny nose and shortness of breath. Individuals who are at risk for anaphylaxis are usually prescribed with an epinephrine auto-injector.

What are the digestive issues?

The digestive symptoms typically occur after eating apples while the fruit makes its way through the digestive tract. Diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting can occur abruptly but can also be delayed for several hours after ingestion of apples.

Emergency scenarios

In rare cases, all of the physical changes triggered by apple allergy can induce anaphylaxis which is a systemic reaction that can be deadly. Call for emergency assistance if the individual complains of a weak or racing pulse rate, lightheadedness or has difficulty speaking or loses consciousness abruptly. Remember that if emergency care is delayed, this severe reaction can be deadly.

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