How to remedy a sore knotted neck

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Most of us have experienced neck pain at some point but most cases can be remedied with simple measures at home while others simply go away after getting enough rest. The tension in the neck muscles can make the day an agonizing one. A sore knotted neck can occur by twisting the neck, exercising strenuously, slouching while working in front of a computer or watching TV or even sleeping with the neck in an uncomfortable position.

There are various home treatments that can help remedy a sore knotted neck. A doctor should be consulted though before using of these home remedies since some cases might be an indication of a serious injury.

Application of ice

Sore knotted neck
A sore knotted neck can occur by twisting the neck, exercising strenuously, slouching while working in front of a computer or watching TV or even sleeping with the neck in an uncomfortable position.

You can apply an ice pack or pack of frozen vegetable on the sore knotted neck to help slacken the tight muscles, minimize swelling and numb the muscle pain. All you have to do is wrap a handful of ice in a towel or cloth and apply directly on the affected area for 20 minutes every hour to help soothe the pain and loosen up the muscle. The application can be repeated as needed to reduce the pain and even alternated with heat if desired.

Application of heat

In case an ice pack is not effective, the application of heat on the sore knotted neck can help loosen up the muscles and even soothe them. Simply fill up a hot water bottle or rinse a washcloth in warm water. Always check the temperature first using your fingers before applying on the neck.

Apply the warm compress on the neck for several minutes. In case the area becomes more swollen or painful, remove the compress right away. If the heat alleviates the pain, hold it on the neck for 20 minutes. Alternately, you can encourage the individual to take a warm shower to reduce the neck pain and tightness.


The individual should be encouraged to perform gentle stretching exercises since they can steadily minimize the tension in the sore knotted neck. The neck should be allowed to rest until the chin droops down the chest. This position must be held for several seconds and then bring back up to the starting position. The right ear should be tilted to the right shoulder but make sure that the shoulders are relaxed and then tilt the left ear to the left shoulder. This can be repeated as needed throughout the day to relieve the tension in the stiff muscles.


When an individual has a sore knotted neck, massaging them can slacken them up. Simply apply mild pressure on the sore areas of the neck using the fingers on the sore spots.

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