How to relieve severe migraine headaches at home

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Migraine headaches can cause excruciating pain that can be accompanied by symptoms such as light sensitivity, nausea, dizziness and visual disturbances called auras that occur before the start of the headache. The management for migraine headaches often involves medications that can be given by a doctor but there are certain home remedies that can be used to alleviate the pain. Millions of individuals all over the world suffer from migraines, but mostly are women.

Relaxation techniques

The individual can practice relaxation by lying down on a bed and close his/her eyes. It is recommended to take deep breaths and concentrate on relaxing one muscle group at a time until all the muscles in the body are fully relaxed.

Application of cold

You can apply a cold compress on the forehead or on the area where the pain is localized. There are reusable cold packs that are readily available in grocery stores and pharmacies. Other products are also available for single-use as well as gels that provide a cooling sensation once applied on the skin.

Migraine headaches
The management for migraine headaches often involves medications that can be given by a doctor but there are certain home remedies that can be used to alleviate the pain.

Always bear in mind that cold therapy can help numb the pain as well as provide relief from migraine headaches. When cold packs are used, it is not advised to leave them on the skin for more than 20 minutes at a time. Do not forget to wrap the pack with a clean cloth or towel before the application.

Proper hydration

The individual should drink water to properly hydrate the body and prevent dehydration that can cause a migraine headache. It is recommended to stick with decaffeinated beverages since those that contain caffeine can aggravate dehydration.

If the individual is properly hydrated, he/she can try to drink caffeinated beverages to restrict the blood vessels to reduce the pain. The intake of caffeine must be limited since caffeine can easily trigger migraines in some individuals instead of reducing the pain.


It is important to add nutritional supplements to the diet such as magnesium, riboflavin, melatonin and coenzyme Q10. Even though these supplements are not considered beneficial in managing migraine headaches acutely, many individuals claim that they are useful in preventatively managing migraines. It is vital to discuss the addition of supplements with the doctor just to be sure.

Peppermint oil

You can apply a few drops of peppermint oil in your hands to heat it up and then apply on the forehead and back of the neck of the individual who experiences a severe attack. Even though there are no current studies that have proven the beneficial effects of peppermint oil in managing migraines, many individuals reported to achieve relief when this oil is used.

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