How to naturally deal with tree pollen allergy

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Individuals who have tree pollen allergies can suffer from an allergic reaction once tree pollen enters the nose and throat. Even though tree pollen is not usually a harmful substance, an individual who is highly sensitive to it ends up with an immune system reaction as if it is a threat to the body.

The outcome is a reaction in which the white blood cells attack the substance. Take note that this overreaction from the white blood cells will only cause more harm than good in the form of allergy symptoms such as wheezing, itching and runny nose. Even though the management of the symptoms aims on providing relief, it is also vital to prevent the recurrence of the symptoms.

Steps on how to naturally deal with tree pollen allergy

Tree pollen
Even though tree pollen is not usually a harmful substance, an individual who is highly sensitive to it ends up with an immune system reaction as if it is a threat to the body.
  • The individual should minimize exposure to the offending tree pollen. An initial measure is to avoid being around trees he/she is allergic to between 5 AM and 10 AM since the pollen count is at its highest. Always keep the windows and doors closed during these times and during windy days to prevent entry of pollen inside the house. Minimize the amount of pollen inside the house by using an HEPA air filter.
  • The immune system must be strengthened. Since allergies involve an immune response, it is vital to strengthen the immune system on a continuous basis even if there are no symptoms present. If the immune system is strong, it can help fight off the symptoms when the pollen count is high. Take note that probiotics can help support the immune system by increasing the presence of good bacteria in the gut. The individual can take probiotics on a daily basis in pill form or included in the diet such as yogurt. Even herbs such as Echinacea can be taken to support the immune system. Multivitamins that contain vitamins C, A and E have been useful in boosting the immune system.
  • The symptoms must be managed once they occur. Herbs, supplements, homeopathic remedies and even acupuncture can be used to treat the symptoms during the allergy season. Nettle either in tincture or tea can be used to minimize the inflammation of the sinus as well as prevent attacks. There are also several homeopathic remedies that can deal with the specific symptoms. Euphrasia officinalis that is taken from the eyebright plant is utilized for watery eyes linked with allergies. The acute symptoms such as itchy eyes and sneezing can be remedied by acupuncture which is also utilized on a long-term basis to strengthen the immune system as well as prevent further allergic attacks.

Considerations to bear in mind

A doctor should be consulted before the individual decides to take any natural supplements to ensure that they will not disrupt with other medications that are currently being taken.

You can register for first aid training today so that you can learn ways to deal with a tree pollen allergy, especially if a family member is highly sensitive.

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