Reddened itchy skin around the nose is quite common during the winter season. The cold temperature can damage the skin and worsen any current skin conditions. Always bear in mind that the skin surrounding the nose is quite sensitive especially if the individual has common cold and constantly blowing or wiping the nose. Nevertheless, enduring reddened itchy skin surrounding the nose might indicate a common condition such as atopic dermatitis or eczema or even seborrhea.
How to identify the possible skin conditions
Eczema or dermatitis is used to describe various skin conditions characterized by red itchy skin in which the upper skin layers are inflamed. There are different forms of dermatitis with atopic as the most common. If not properly treated and continuous scratching occurs, the skin starts to thicken to protect itself which is a process known as lichenification. In most cases, the condition develops by 5 years old and often occurs in more than one family member.
When it comes to seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea, it usually affects the scalp but can spread to the face and develop in and around the nose. If the red itchy skin around the nose is due to seborrhea, it can occur along with flaking skin and scaling that turns white to yellowish brown.
What are the possible effects?
The precise cause of dermatitis is not known, but based on studies conducted, there are various factors and likely causes including an overly active immune system, general health and genetic makeup.
In studies conducted, there might be a skin barrier flaw or openings in the skin that allow the germs to penetrate the upper skin layers which lead to inflammation.
Individuals with dermatitis are susceptible to other allergic conditions such as hay fever and asthma. In some cases, dermatitis can develop as a reaction to an irritant such as laundry detergent, soap, cosmetics or perfume.
Seborrheic dermatitis is believed to occur once various factors interact. These factors include climate in which the individual lives in, yeast and stress levels.
The ideal way to manage dermatitis involves a multifaceted approach. The doctor might recommend a topical corticosteroid cream to minimize the inflammation and itchiness. It is important to note that seborrhea might require a topical anti-fungal medication that must be applied on the affected areas.
In some cases in which dermatitis is severe, being exposed to ultraviolet light might be recommended under the supervision of a doctor an in a controlled environment. Nevertheless, this treatment is not suitable for children due to its potential lasting side effects.
When managing the flare-ups, it is vital to avoid all the known triggers such as excessive sweating, extreme changes in temperature and stress. In addition, keeping a diary is required so that the individual can note down the occurrence of breakouts to identify the potential triggers.