How to deal with bedbugs

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Bedbugs are wingless, flat insects that can cause annoying bites. These insects typically hide during daytime and become active at night while they feed.

Bedbug bites can cause intense itchiness that urges some to scratch the area. Doing so can damage the skin that is at high risk for infection. In some individuals, the bites can also trigger an allergic reaction.

Are there bedbugs in the house?

The initial sign of having bedbugs in the house is ending up with reddened, itchy bites on the skin, usually on the shoulders or arms. Generally, the bites arise as a straight row.

Other signs that indicates the presence of bedbugs include:

  • Bedbugs along the seams of the mattresses
    Cleansing the bites using soap and water to reduce the chances of infection.
  • Miniature blood stains on the mattresses and sheets
  • Dark spots or wastes on walls, furniture and floors
  • Sweet scent from the insects if present in large numbers

Management of bites

There are several measures that can help stop the itchiness as well as lower the risk for infection such as:

  • Cleansing the bites using soap and water to reduce the chances of infection
  • Apply calamine lotion or an anti-itch cream to curb down the itchiness. An alternative is to place a towel or face cloth that has been soaked in oatmeal solution for 15 minutes.
  • Apply an ice pack on the affected area to reduce the swelling

If the bites are infected, a doctor should be seen.

How to eliminate bedbugs

Always bear in mind that bedbugs are difficult to kill. They have different places to hide and even spread into crevices and cracks in the house and multiply. Due to this, a professional insect control service should be consulted. The commonly used treatment options include:

  • Heat – heat is utilized to eliminate the bedbugs and their eggs which must be around 50 degrees C.
  • Insecticides

Other options include vacuuming or laundering potential hiding spots. Washing and drying in a dryer on the hottest setting can get rid of the insects in linens or clothing.

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