Facial eczema: How is it managed?

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Facial eczema is characterized by itchy, irritated and/or swollen skin. The treatment options are aimed on alleviating the itchiness, preventing flare-ups as well as minimizing the inflammation. Some of the treatments require prescription while others involve self-care measures.


Application of a cold compress

The topical treatments can be used for facial eczema. An effective measure is using a cold compress to relieve the skin inflammation and itchiness. Simply immerse a cloth into cold water, squeeze out the excess and apply directly on the skin. Set in place until the itchiness settles.

Remember that gentle handling of the skin is vital when caring for facial eczema since the exterior skin layer is injured and fragile.

Gentle cleansing and handling

Remember that gentle handling of the skin is vital when caring for facial eczema since the exterior skin layer is injured and fragile. Use a mild cleanser on the face but avoid areas with flare-ups. Rinse the cleanser using lukewarm water.

Dry the skin by blotting with a non-abrasive towel. Avoid using cleansers that can rub, scratch, peel or even exfoliate the skin. These can damage the skin and even worsen the skin condition. Avoid using soap since it can worsen the symptoms by drying out the skin.

Emollients and moisturizers

Emollients and moisturizers can lower the scaling and dryness of the skin. The moisturizers can prevent the loss of water by trapping moisture in the skin. The emollients work by keeping the skin soft.

Using a moisturizer daily can lessen skin irritation caused by eczema. It is recommended to apply one right after a bath to lock in moisture. Moisturizers also increase the protective ability of the skin by covering it with a protective coating.

Avoidance of trigger foods

The trigger foods can worsen eczema. A food dairy should be used to determine the potential triggers. If a food triggers a flare-up, it should be removed from the diet. If the facial eczema settles, it is considered as a trigger food. Some of the usual triggers include milk, wheat, eggs, soy and nuts.

Medications for facial eczema

Various medications are available for managing facial eczema. These might include antibiotics that deal with the skin infection or eliminate any harmful bacteria.

Oral antihistamines can be given to control the itchiness that eczema causes. Other drugs that might be prescribed include corticosteroids in the form of injections, creams or ointments.

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