Can yeast trigger eczema?

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Eczema is a skin condition that affects millions of individuals globally. This condition is prevalent in childhood and often settles into adulthood, but it can affect some throughout life. It is not fully understood what causes the condition, but certain ailments can aggravate it. Allergies to some foods including yeast are culprits to the flare-ups of eczema.

What are the signs?

Eczema tends to vary for each individual and not all the symptoms might be present. The rash often forms on the interior part of the elbows, rear part of the knees, on the feet and hands and on the wrist, ankles, face and wrist.

The rash often forms on the interior part of the elbows, rear part of the knees, on the feet and hands and on the wrist, ankles, face and wrist.

If the individual has eczema, the rash might have reddened or brownish-gray patches of dry skin that can be intensely itchy and might have small, reddened bumps that blister. The skin might be thick and cracked and extremely sensitive. In addition, the rash can be inflamed or cracked from the scratching.

If the rash forms on the eyelashes or eyebrows, there are bald patches from scratching the itchy areas excessively.

What are the trigger foods?

Sensitivity to yeast affects some individuals. Starchy, carbohydrate foods often include yeast. Other foods that might include yeast include fruit skin, beer, MSG, ciders, soy sauce, seasoning spices, over ripe fruits, vitamin B supplements, chocolate and prepared soups.

Avoidance of foods that contain yeast can help prevent allergic reactions that trigger the flare-ups of eczema. It is vital to check the labels if the product is free from yeast.

Considerations to bear in mind

If the individual has sensitivity to yeast and responsible for eczema, it might be the root for other health issues. Yeast sensitivity often causes other symptoms such as digestive problems, breathing difficulties and headaches. The doctor might help in determining whether the individual has sensitivity to yeast and provide measures to overcome it as well as avoid further complications.

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