Care for human bites

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Human bites occur once the teeth indent or damage the skin. The wounds that indent the skin might result to damage to the underlying joint or tendon. As for wounds that damage the skin, they are considered dangerous due to the variety and concentration of bacteria and viruses in the saliva.

Human bites contain more than 50 types of bacteria. These bites are believed to have a higher rate of infection than cat or dog bites.

What are the possible complications?

Human bites on the upper limbs and hands as well as to the ear and nose cartilage puts one at higher risk for complications than wounds on other body parts. Remember that even minor damage can grow into a serious infection or result to damage to the tendons, joints or bones underneath. These infections can result to lasting damage to the affected body part unless prompt treatment is started.

Redness, bleeding or swelling at the site might occur.


Redness, bleeding or swelling at the site might occur. In case the wound becomes infected, the symptoms might include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling at or close to the injured site
  • Drainage of pus
  • Warmth or reddened lines along the arm

Management of human bites

When caring for human bites, it should be flushed with an antiseptic solution such as povidone iodine 1% followed by saline solution. Any damaged, dead or infected tissue from the site as well as other foreign objects should be removed from the wound as well.

Stitches might be required in some cases. Nevertheless, human bites on the hand are left open for a while since leaving it open lowers the chances of infection. In most cases, wounds to the face are stitched right away.

As for cases involving crushing injuries or wounds deeper than 1 centimeter, a tetanus shot should be given. In some cases, surgery might be required if there is an abscess, tendon rupture, soft tissue infection, fracture or injuries to the blood vessels or nerves.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on human bites is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage this type of wound by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.

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