Can milk trigger sinus problems?

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Sinus problems such as runny nose, congestion and sinus headaches typically occur since the thin tissues that line the walls of the sinuses becomes swollen. At the same time, the body produces excess mucus to eliminate the substances that causes the irritation. Even though the mucus is not the source of the stuffiness, it can create small-sized spaces in which area passes through. In some cases, an individual can suffer from sinus problems due to a reaction to dairy products such as milk. Many children usually have indications of milk allergy, but they often outgrow them.

What is milk allergy?

Even though many believe that lactose intolerance is an allergic reaction to milk, they are different medical conditions. When it comes to milk allergy, it occurs once the body recognizes milk as a threat. Children can develop hives during an allergic response to milk. The other symptoms of milk allergy usually include difficulty breathing and runny nose. These are indications of an actual allergic reaction and if the breathing is disrupted, it is considered as a medical emergency.

Sinus problems
In some cases, an individual can suffer from sinus problems due to a reaction to dairy products such as milk.

Can milk cause excess production of mucus?

It is important to note that milk and other dairy products are usually blamed for the excess production of mucus that cause sinus problems, but this might not always be true. In a study conducted, there was no connection established between milk and increased secretion of mucus. Additionally, in another research conducted, there was no evidence to support that there is an increase in mucus production after consuming milk.


If you suspect that an individual is suffering from sinus problems due to milk consumption, he/she must stop drinking and monitor for any changes. The treatment for sinus problems typically include over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines and decongestants.

The nasal issues accompanied by yellowish or greenish discharge, lethargy or fever might indicate a sinus infection. When it comes to chronic sinus congestion along with headaches, it might be due to the enlargement of growths within the nasal cavities. Take note that this condition typically entails surgery for the removal of the growths. By enrolling in a course on first aid today, you can readily manage the minor symptoms as well as provide ease to the individual.

Considerations to bear in mind

Milk and milk-based products made from milk are essential sources of dietary calcium, vitamin D and protein. If the individual is allergic to milk, there are ways to acquire these vital nutrients. There are supplements that can be used under the guidance of the doctor but certain foods such as broccoli are packed with dietary calcium.

Cereals are often added with both vitamin D and calcium and the individual can acquire protein from fish, meat, legumes or beans. In some circumstances, allergies can be managed with allergy shots which are administered over a period of time to minimize sensitivity. A doctor must be consulted for proper treatment options in managing milk allergy.

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