Can I be allergic to feather pillows?

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Feather pillows are not considered common due to their cost and the availability of pillows that are stuffed with synthetic materials. There are some individuals who still prefer feather pillows since they are softer than the synthetic pillows. In addition, feather pillows also have a longer lifespan. On the other hand, it is important to note that feather pillows can be an issue of concern for those who are allergic and continued exposure can worsen the symptoms.

Cause of feather pillow allergy

The bird feathers are a nuisance to almost any individual with allergies. With this in mind, feather pillows are not recommended for those who have allergies. It is important to note that some individuals are allergic to birds and must avoid bird feathers. When it comes to other types of allergies, the reactions are not linked with the feathers but the allergens that are trapped in the feathers. The dust mites are the common type of allergen that can latch onto the feathers. Pollen, animal dander and even mold can be present in the feathers.

Feather pillow allergy
Dust mites and other types of allergens can lead to itchy eyes, sneezing, skin rashes, as well as headaches, wheezing and coughing.


Dust mites and other types of allergens can lead to itchy eyes, sneezing, skin rashes, as well as headaches, wheezing and coughing. It can be hard to initially determine if these symptoms are related to the feather pillow. The individual will find it difficult to sleep at night due to the coughing. In addition, the individual can also wake up due to these symptoms after resting the head on a pillow that is packed with allergens. If you want to learn how to manage these symptoms, read here.


The solution when it comes to allergies caused by dust mites on pillows is to use pillow covers whether feather or any type of stuffing is used. Pillow covers are vital if the individual is using feather pillows.

It is recommended to cover the feather pillows using a plastic case to prevent the penetration of allergens. Always make sure that the case is built with a zipper so that the feathers are sealed inside. The ideal solution is to avoid using feather pillows to prevent an allergic reaction from occurring. Additionally, wash the pillows in hot water at least two times in a month. The pillows must be replaced every three years.

Considerations to bear in mind

An individual who is not allergic to birds does not necessarily mean that he/she can use feather pillows especially if he/she has other types of allergies. On the other hand, using synthetic pillows are not beneficial if they are not taken care of properly.

In a study conducted, it was discovered that synthetic pillows are also allergenic just like with the feather pillows. Even though the risk for allergens is high, synthetic pillows that are encased have a less chance of triggering allergies than the pillows made of feathers.

In case the allergy symptoms persist, a doctor must be consulted for proper treatment. If the individual is already on medications, the doctor might recommend another treatment approach such as allergy shots. These shots are given once a week to help establish resistance to allergens such as dust mites.

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