J. New

As a doctor specializing in the field of internal medicine, Jason New spends his spare time on writing health-related articles. With years of experience in the medical field, Jason New eagerly shares his knowledge not only on topics specific to his specialized field, but also on basic first aid. It is his aim to provide information on first aid for individuals in different fields. This helps individuals to be prepared on what to do during emergencies.

Why dizziness occurs after exercising or standing up?

When an individual feels dizzy after exercising or standing up, it can be debilitating and scary but it is not due to a serious health condition.  The dizziness that is triggered by standing up is called as orthostatic hypotension. This is usually triggered by an primary health problem such as dehydration which is a common

Why dizziness occurs after exercising or standing up? Read More »

What are the health issues that are similar to a heart attack?

A heart attack occurs once the blood flow to a region of the heart is blocked. This is most often caused by coronary artery disease or the development of blood clots that disrupt the flow of blood into the heart, resulting to chest discomfort and pain, lightheadedness and shortness of breath that can occur abruptly

What are the health issues that are similar to a heart attack? Read More »