An allergy to Baker’s yeast tends to vary from one individual to another. In some individuals, they become sleepy while others feel sick in the stomach or experience a headache. Yeast allergy must not be mixed up with yeast infection. Take note that the infection is basically an excess growth of the naturally thriving bacterial flora in the gut.
What are the symptoms of allergy to Baker’s yeast?
You have to watch out for the following symptoms if an individual is suspected with Baker’s yeast allergy.
Tiredness or fatigue is a common reaction once yeast is ingested. Just like with individuals who react to gluten, an allergy to Baker’s yeast can cause intense feeling of tiredness. Take note that this symptom usually diminishes within a span of several hours. One way to test if an individual is allergic to the substance is to check whether they become tired after eating bread or if they become tired after eating a yeast-free product. All wheat-based and yeast containing foods must be avoided for a week to check if the fatigue starts to diminish.
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Once yeast containing foods are reintroduced, note if the symptom recurs. If it reappears, it indicates that the individual is allergic to the substance. The best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid products that contain Baker’s yeast.
Skin reactions
If an individual is allergic to this type of substance, the common skin reactions typically includes hives and blotches around the face and throat but can also appear in other parts of the body. A skin prick test will confirm if the rashes are triggered by the yeast. The doctor will prick the skin in the forearm and an allergen is introduced. If a rash appears where the skin prick was done, it confirms an allergy. Understandably, avoidance is the best way to prevent an allergic reaction from occurring. If you want to learn more about allergies, click here.
Stomach problems
Always remember that an allergy to Baker’s yeast can lead to mild or even severe stomach cramping and vomiting. A stomach upset upon eating foods that contain the substance can indicate an accompanying yeast infection in the gut. The reactions from yeast-containing food due to an infection can be mistaken as an allergy to yeast. Take note that the infection is a different health condition and simply aggravated if yeast is eaten. The ideal solution for both infection and allergy is to avoid any products that contain yeast.
Difficulty breathing
In some cases, the individual who suffers from this type of allergy can experience difficulty breathing and typically minor asthma-like symptoms. This is quite common if freshly-baked products are eaten that contain the substance such as bread and cakes straight from the oven as well as pasta. Even though it is not yet fully understood, some individuals can eat these products several hours after without experiencing the same reaction.