Alcohol poisoning occurs if an individual becomes drunk after consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short span of time. Excessive drinking of alcohol stops the nervous system from functioning properly, especially the brain. This can drastically weaken both mental and physical bodily functions such as speech, sight, coordination and memory.
Alcohol poisoning can also put an individual into a state of deep unresponsiveness or even slow or shut down breathing, thus resulting to death.
What are the indications?
If an individual is suspected with alcohol poisoning, there are signs and symptoms to watch out for:
- Strong odor of alcohol and empty cans or bottles within the area
- Vomiting
- Confusion and slurred speech
If the individual is breathing normally but not completely receptive, place him/her into a recovery position. - Deep, noisy breathing
- Moist and reddened face
- Strong, pounding pulse
- Unresponsiveness
If the individual is unresponsive, you should also check for the following as well:
- Shallow breathing
- Enlarged pupils that poorly react to light
- Frail, rapid pulse rate
- Reassure the individual and cover him/her with a blanket or coat to keep him/her warm.
- Check for any damages particularly head injuries or other health issues.
- If the individual is breathing normally but not completely receptive, place him/her into a recovery position.
- Continue to monitor the breathing, pulse and level of response.
- Do not induce the individual to vomit since this can block the airway and disrupt with breathing.
- If not certain how serious the condition is, call for immediate medical attention right away.
- In case the individual loses responsiveness at some point, you should open the airway, check the breathing and provide the appropriate measures for unresponsiveness.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on alcohol poisoning is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage poisoning from alcohol by taking a standard first aid course with Ottawa First Aid.