Even though serious reactions to the flu shot are uncommon, it is vital to be well aware what to watch out for after an individual receives the flu shot. Always bear in mind that the standard flu shot is administered into a muscle. Another form of the flu shot is administered into the skin. The signs and symptoms of a possible reaction are slightly different depending on the type of flu shot that was given.
What are the types of flu shots?
It is important to note that the flu shot is composed of the inactivated flu virus and could not cause the condition. The standard flu shots are administered via injection usually in the upper arm muscle.
An alternative flu shot known as the intradermal flu vaccine is administered with a smaller needle than what is used on the regular shot. Take note that this shot is given into the skin rather than the muscle. Just like with the standard flu shot, the intradermal form also contains the inactive virus and provides the similar protection from the flu. The intradermal shot can only be given to adults 18-64 years old.
Range of the reactions
In most individuals who were given the flu shot, they do not suffer from any reactions. Among those who suffer from a reaction, most of them are mild. On the other hand, there are some cases of severe reactions. The signs and symptoms of the reactions to flu shots tend to differ slightly, depending if the individual received the standard or intradermal flu shot.
Mild reactions
A mild reaction to a flu shot includes itchiness, redness, swelling or pain at the injection site. Some can suffer from low grade fever, body aches and headache. These reactions simply go away within 24-48 hours.
The swelling, itchiness and redness at the injection site are also common with an intradermal shot than the regular flu shot. In some cases, the individual can also suffer from skin tightness at the location of the intradermal injection.
Allergic reactions
Even though uncommon, a severe allergic reaction can also occur with the flu shot. Prior to receiving the flu shot, the doctor must be informed if the individual has egg allergy or if he/she had a previous allergic reaction to the vaccine.
The indications of a severe reaction include difficulty breathing, wheezing, hoarseness, paleness, hives, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, weakness and fever. Take note that a severe allergic reaction typically occurs within minutes or hours right after the vaccination. Watch out for these indications and seek immediate medical care. In case you are uncertain if an individual is experiencing an allergic reaction, a doctor should be consulted right away. If you will enroll in a first aid class today, you can learn the appropriate steps to take to manage an allergic reaction.
What is the Guillain-Barre syndrome?
If fever and progressive weakness are present, they are indications of a rare condition known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. It is estimated that some who receive the flu shot can develop this syndrome.