Overview on cotton allergy

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Some individuals experience the symptoms of cotton allergy if exposed. If harvested and processed, cotton is created which is a fine textile.

This fabric is widely used as clothing as well as blankets and pillowcases. Nevertheless, there are cases where cotton triggers discomfort to individuals with cotton allergy.

Cotton flower receptacle and fibers

An individual with cotton allergy might end up with dermatitis which is inflammation of the skin.

Some individuals with cotton allergy are sensitive to the cotton plant tissues and the flowers. The tissues extracted from the plant receptacles instigates the release of antibodies in some individuals.

Some are allergic to the cotton fibers. Take note that these fibers produce on cotton seeds within the fruit of the plant. Oftentimes, they release a positive response in the skin test for allergens. In addition, they also trigger the production of antibodies.

Are cotton factory workers at risk?

Some of the allergens present in the cotton fibers persist during processing. Due to this, cotton factory workers might develop cotton allergy. Nevertheless, some allergic reactions among workers are not triggered by the cotton fibers but the allergens added to the fibers during processing.

Nevertheless, the cotton dust that the workers are exposed to might include other components such as inorganic matter, mold, bacteria and pesticide residue.

Reaction to cotton textile products

Some individuals end up with reactions if wearing cotton clothing or when sleeping on pillowcases made of cotton. In some cases, one has an actual cotton allergy. Nevertheless, the individual might be responding to the allergens presented into the fabric while it is being manufactured such as formaldehyde.

What are the indications?

An individual with cotton allergy might end up with dermatitis which is inflammation of the skin. It might be atopic where it forms on body parts that were not directly in contact to the allergen.

In some cases, a reaction might involve the respiratory system such as rhinitis and asthma or inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.

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