Arm muscle spasms: What are the causes?

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Arm muscle spasms can arise for a variety of reasons. The usual cause is muscle fatigue or overusing the muscle. Oftentimes, a muscle spasm causes a feeling that the muscle is hard, twitching, bulging or tight.

Initially, try to stretch the affected arm to alleviate the muscle spasm but it might be painful. In case the cramping becomes persistent, seek medical care right away since it might be an indication of a serious condition.

Common causes of arm muscle spasms

Overuse and injury

Arm muscle spasms occur if they are overused or injured. Once the arm muscle is fatigued, there is a tight cramp or muscle spasm.

Arm muscle spasms occur if they are overused or injured. Once the arm muscle is fatigued, there is a tight cramp or muscle spasm.

When a muscle spasm arises in the arm, the individual should stop using the limb right away and stretch it out. The pain can be relieved by applying a heating pad on the site of the muscle spasm. Once the spasm has settled, apply an ice pack once the pain has settled.


Tetanus is a bacterial infection commonly called as lockjaw. Initially, there is muscle spasms in the jaw that prevents the individual from opening it. As the condition worsens, there are arm muscle spasms as well as in the abdomen and thighs.

Many children are given 4 tetanus vaccinations by 2 years of age and a booster shot around 4 years of age. Another shot is given at around 11 years of age and then every 10 years after.

Certain types of wounds such as animal bites or soil contamination allows entry of the Clostridium tetani bacteria. It is vital to be updated with the immunizations to prevent tetanus.

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis mainly attacks the brain and spinal cord and causes damage to the nerves. The condition can affect any body part but if an attack occurs, it triggers tremors, weakness and muscles spasms in one or both legs or arms.

In every episode, it varies in severity and location due to the progressive and unpredictable nature of the disease. The individual might also experience a burning, tingling or crawling sensation in the legs and arms during an episode.

Disclaimer / More Information

The information posted on this page on arm muscle spasms is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn more about the causes, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Saskatoon, Victoria, Surrey, Mississauga, Winnipeg, Red Deer, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.

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