What happens if I have raisin allergy?

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Raisins have always been a natural sugary delight enjoyed by many, but some might not enjoy it especially those who have raisin allergy. These highly sensitive individuals end up with an allergic reaction right after eating the dried fruit.

Raisins are produced from dried grapes and not considered as a usual food allergen, yet any food can trigger an allergic response. It is also possible that if an individual is allergic to mold, he/she can develop an allergic reaction right after consuming raisins. If an individual suspects that he/she is allergic to raisins, a doctor should be consulted in order to determine the exact cause of the symptoms and if raisin allergy is present. By enrolling in a first aid class, you will learn the appropriate steps to take.

What is raisin allergy?

Raisin allergy
Raisins are produced from dried grapes and not considered as a usual food allergen, yet any food can trigger an allergic response.

When an individual is diagnosed with raisin allergy, the immune system identifies proteins in the raisin as detrimental to the body. The function of the immune system is to keep the body safe from infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses and toxins.

The moment the immune system wrongly identifies the raisin proteins as a threat, the antibodies are produced to fight off the substance. The immunoglobulin E antibodies trigger a chemical chain reaction all over the body that triggers most of the allergy symptoms.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms from raisin allergy occur due to the increased level of histamine in the soft tissues. The IgE antibodies communicate with the white blood cells in the soft tissues which lead to the production of histamine in order to protect the body.

The histamine initiates the blood vessels to dilate, constriction of the lungs as well as an increase in the production of mucus. Take note that these changes in the body can cause runny nose, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, eczema, skin rashes, hives, lightheadedness and changes in the heart rate.

What if I have mold allergy?

Mold allergies are common but typically categorized with an airborne allergy or hay fever. It is important to note that mold is present in different places and found in some dried fruits including raisins. If an individual is diagnosed with mold allergy, a doctor must be consulted regarding an elimination food diet.  If he/she is allergic to mold, he/she might be able to eat grapes but not raisins due to the possible presence of mold in the raisins.


Once the precise cause of an allergy is determined, the doctor will recommend the avoidance of all known allergens. If the individual accidentally consumed raisins or mold spores, you might be able to take over-the-counter antihistamines in order to minimize the symptoms. Other medications include pain medications, topical steroid creams and decongestants. Avoid using any medications without consulting a doctor first.

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