What are the signs of body water retention?

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Body water retention or edema occurs once there is excess fluid within the tissues of a particular part of the body. The condition can be triggered by various factors that can range from pregnancy as well as eating a lot of salty foods. The indications of body water retention are easy to identify as long as you know what you are looking for. By identifying and understanding the signs of body water retention, the proper treatment can be provided as soon as possible.


A clear indication of body water retention is swelling. This typically occurs in the extremities such as hands, legs, feet and arms. Swelling triggered by edema can also manifest in the face as severe puffiness in the cheeks or eye area.

Even though the swelling in the extremities due to water retention is not always life-threatening, especially if it only occurs in the feet or hands, it can cause a lot of pain and increases the risk to tissue scarring, ulceration and stretch marks if left untreated. If you notice any swelling in these areas, especially if it occurs abruptly and accompanied by pain, it is important to seek immediate emergency care for prompt treatment and care.

Abdominal size

Body water retention
Once there is an increase in the size of the abdomen, it also indicates body water retention.

Once there is an increase in the size of the abdomen, it also indicates body water retention. The skin in the abdomen can appear shiny or stretched out as well as accompanied by pain in the affected area. Additionally, the individual can complain that his/her stomach has a bloated sensation.

Even though abdominal bloating and swelling are common signs of edema due to pregnancy or the female hormonal cycle, it should not be ignored or treated lightly. If there is an increase in the abdominal size due to body water retention, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that an accurate diagnosis can be made.

What are the serious indications to monitor?

It is important to note that there are serious indications of body water retention that must be treated as medical emergencies. These are the serious symptoms of edema that can indicate other health issues such as cancer and hormonal changes. The major indications of body fluid retention to watch out for include difficulty urination, irregular heartbeat, and shortness of breath or sudden weight gain.

Take note that chest pain and difficulty breathing are serious symptoms to watch out for. Always remember that these can indicate pulmonary edema or fluid retention in the lungs. Pulmonary edema is considered life-threatening, thus if the symptoms are present, it is an emergency that would require immediate medical care.

Always remember that medical emergencies such as pulmonary edema would require timely and prompt medical attention. If these conditions are left untreated, it would be fatal.


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