What are the disorders that affect the outer ear?

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The outer ear is comprised of the pinna and the ear canal. There are various disorders that can affect the outer ear. The outer ear or external ear is usually subjected to inflammation since it is the common site for allergies, trauma and growths. It is important to note that ear wax is also considered as a common problem that affects the outer ear. Luckily, most of these conditions that affect the outer ear can be easily managed.

Presence of wax and foreign objects

The glands situated in the ear canal naturally produce ear wax. Once an excessive amount of ear wax is produced, it becomes a problem that results to itchiness, occasional pain and ear blockage. The doctor can remove the buildup of ear wax by using instruments or simply flush the wax using a syringe.

Foreign objects can also affect the outer ear especially young children. While playing, children can accidentally insert foreign objects such as beads, buttons or erasers into their ears. Among adults, foreign objects such as cotton buds are often left behind while attempting to clean the ear. Take note that these should be removed using proper instruments that only a doctor can use.

Outer ear
The outer ear or external ear is usually subjected to inflammation since it is the common site for allergies, trauma and growths.


Viruses, bacteria and fungi can cause the inflammation of the skin in the ear canal which is called otitis externa. This condition is also known as swimmer’s ear since it usually affects swimmers. It is important to note that this condition can result to pain, itchiness, and watery discharge from the canal and possible hearing loss. As part of the treatment, the doctor will clean the ear canal and apply antibiotic drops.

If there is fungal growth in the skin of the ear canal, it usually occurs due to high humidity and excess moisture. The symptoms include pain, itchiness and ringing sounds in the ear. The treatment for this condition involves cleaning the ear and application of antifungal ear drops.

Otitis externa can also occur among individuals who scratch the ear or insert matchsticks or ear buds. This can lead to the irritation of the skin that lines the canal. One of the prevalent causes of otitis externa is allergy triggered by shampoos, hairspray, earrings and cosmetics which causes the inflammation of the overlying skin.


Any blow to the ear can lead to a hematoma. This is basically a collection of blood between the cartilage of the external ear and the perichondrium. The condition can result to the cauliflower-shaped malformation of the ear if not treated right away. The doctor will cut it up and drain away the blood to prevent this from developing.

Perichondritis is an infection of the tissue that surrounds the cartilage of the earlobe. This can be triggered by injury to the ear after insect bites or ear piercings. The entire ear turns red in color, sore and swollen. It is important to seek immediate emergency care for this condition.

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