Potential causes of angina among adolescents?

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Angina is chest pain or discomfort that arises if a region of the heart does not receive enough oxygen and blood. Individuals who experience angina face a higher risk for cardiac arrest or heart attack.

Even though prevalent among the elderly, there are various ailments that can lead to angina during childhood and early adolescent years. Parents must seek medical care if the child experiences angina which includes tightening or pain in the chest or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, jaw or back.

Can coronary heart disease cause angina?

Coronary heart disease is typically the main culprit behind angina.

Coronary heart disease is typically the main culprit behind angina. It develops once plaque builds up in the arterial walls, stiffening them and reducing the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle.

Children and teenagers who are obese or overweight or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes face a higher risk for angina and coronary heart disease.

Congenital heart conditions

Congenital heart disease can arise if a heart condition is present since birth. A hole in the heart is a common congenital condition. Oftentimes, the doctor will not discover a congenital heart condition until late childhood or early adolescence in which the signs are reported.

High cholesterol

It is important to note that familial hypercholesterolemia is a rare hereditary condition that causes an excessive increase in the blood pressure and result to angina and potential heart attacks among teenagers.

Individuals who have this condition must start a regimen that includes cholesterol-lowering medications. Since high cholesterol is a potential risk factor for both heart disease and angina, teenagers with high levels but lack this genetic condition must shift to a heart-healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a healthy diet.

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