Possible causes of foot pain on the soles

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The soles of the feet are capable of enduring all the stress and pressure placed on them throughout our lifetime by running, standing and walking. The foot is composed of 26 bones and ligaments that are structured to allow it to function as a shock absorber as well as a lever. The foot pain can affect any part of the foot.


The pain on the sole of the foot can be felt beneath the heel, in the center of the foot beneath the arch and under the ball of the foot due to various conditions. By enrolling in one of the classes on first aid, you can learn pain management measures to control the foot pain.

Fractures and stress fractures

Any break in the bone is called as a fracture. Fractures can occur from direct or indirect trauma. Take note that a stress fracture can develop due to repeated and forceful stress such as those involved in jumping or running.

Foot pain
A fracture can cause an abrupt onset of piercing pain on the sole of the foot while stress fractures involves pain that initially manifests as a barely noticeable ache that becomes incapacitating over time.

A fracture can cause an abrupt onset of piercing pain on the sole of the foot while stress fractures involves pain that initially manifests as a barely noticeable ache that becomes incapacitating over time.

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia is the dense, broad ligament that travels along the base of the foot starting from the heel up to the base of the toes. This fascia is responsible for maintaining the structure of the arch. It is important to note that the plantar fascia can become swollen due to overuse or injury, resulting to a dull ache on the sole of the feet.

Heel spurs

A heel spur can develop on the heel bone or calcaneus where the plantar fascia connects, resulting to foot pain. The factors that contribute to the formation of heel spurs include long distance running, obesity and a rigid flat or high-arched foot.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

The posterior tibial nerve traverses via a constricted tunnel of ligament and bone together with the ankle as it passes from the leg into the foot. There is the possibility for this nerve to become compacted and irritated, thus generating the tingling pain along the sole of the foot. Individuals who have diabetes, arthritis and flat feet are more likely to end up with tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Plantar warts

The plantar warts caused by the human papillomavirus are flat and typically grow in the base of the foot. The virus can enter the skin through small breaks such as cuts. Once the plantar warts form over the pressure points on the sole, they can trigger piercing pain.

Calluses and corns

Calluses and corns are patches of thick skin that develop under the pressure points on the sole of the foot to protect the areas from friction. They can also trigger piercing pain especially when the individual is walking.

Metatarsalgia and arthritis

It is important to note that metatarsalgia is pain that is felt beneath the ball of the foot. This can be due to the injury to the nerve, joint abnormality or poor circulation. The nerves can become irritated due to constant stress or from the formation of Morton’s neuroma which is a benign nerve tumor.

The nerve injury can generate burning pain in the toes and ball of the foot and then followed by loss of sensation. As for arthritis, it can affect any joints in the foot, resulting to a dull aching pain that worsens during the morning and subsides throughout the day.

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