Lower respiratory infection

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A lower respiratory infection affects the respiratory system beneath the throat. Any form of infection that involves the lungs and lower airways is considered as a lower respiratory infection.

The common forms of this infection include bronchitis, pneumonia and even bronchiolitis that affects children.

Common forms of lower respiratory infection


This is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and even inhaled chemicals or objects.

In most cases, an individual with pneumonia is managed with antibiotics. Other drugs might also be given to ease the symptoms. In severe cases or if one is at high risk, hospitalization is required. The risk for acquiring the condition is lowered by getting the flu shot yearly. In addition, older adults must get a pneumonia vaccine as well.

Lower respiratory infection
Bronchitis is a form of lower respiratory infection that causes swelling and irritation in the airways leading to the lungs.


Bronchitis is a form of lower respiratory infection that causes swelling and irritation in the airways leading to the lungs. In most cases, it is caused by a virus and settles on its own.

Although the coughing can result to discomfort and persist for weeks, antibiotics are infrequently helpful since they do not eliminate the viruses. Other treatment options include an inhaler to ease the cough and difficulty breathing as well as over-the-counter drugs such as expectorants or pain medications.


This lower respiratory infection is defined by swelling or inflammation of the small airways in the lungs. It mainly affects young children, usually infants between 3-6 months old.

Coughing and wheezing are the main signs of bronchiolitis. It might be serious and can be fatal among young infants. If you notice any signs of difficulty breathing, it is recommended to seek medical care right away even if bronchiolitis is not suspected.

Always bear in mind that a lower respiratory infection can be dangerous and relatively serious than the upper respiratory infections.

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