How to take the temperature of a baby via the armpit

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Today, digital thermometers can be utilized in different parts of the body, depending on the age and receptiveness of the child. When the temperature is taken via the armpit which is called as the axillary temperature, it is usually used when the age of the child or a certain illness makes the other routes of the taking the temperature inappropriate. The proper technique must be used in order to obtain accurate results when taking the temperature via the armpit.

Taking the temperature is a basic skill that you should know how to perform since it is required to check for fever on both children and adults. You can register for first aid training today so that you will not only learn how to take the axillary temperature but also using the oral and the rectal route.

Armpit temperature

The rectal thermometer is considered as the most accurate while the axillary and pacifier thermometer are the least accurate. Nevertheless, healthcare facilities often recommend the axillary method for unpredictable infants. The other options used for taking the temperature of a child include ear, oral and temporal methods.

Taking the temperature is a basic skill that you should know how to perform since it is required to check for fever on both children and adults.


It is important to note that a digital thermometer is used in taking the axillary temperature. All you have to do is to look for a digital thermometer that has an end cap for safety and hygiene. Always make sure to clean the thermometer before and after each use and separate if from other thermometers used for taking rectal or oral temperatures. Cool water with soap or rubbing alcohol can be used to clean the digital thermometer. You have to follow the instructions regarding the usage on the packaging of the device.

Process of taking the temperature

Simply follow the proper process in order to obtain an accurate temperature reading. Make sure that the underarm of the baby is dry and then turn on the thermometer. Clear previous readings before placing the thermometer in the armpit. Cross the arm of the baby across his/her chest while holding him/her to keep the thermometer secure in place to take a reading. Stay with the baby until the thermometer signals that a reading is done. You have to check whether the temperature increased or dropped.

There are different types of digital thermometers available in the market. You can choose one that suits the individual best and each of these can ring or beep when the temperature is taken.

The normal temperature using the axillary route is 98.6 degrees F. If the baby is younger than 2 months old and the temperature taken via the armpit is more than 99.8 degrees F, consult a doctor as soon as possible. A doctor must also be consulted if the baby is more than 2 months old and the axillary temperature is more than 100.5 degrees F. Even though fever is used by the body to fight off infection, one that persists or accompanied by other symptoms must be assessed by a doctor.

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