Allergies that cause low-grade fever

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Whether it is the spring or fall season, an individual suffering from allergies faces the risk of becoming sick. For some individuals, an allergy can cause headache, nasal congestion and cough. Others in which their bodies react strongly to allergens can suffer from a low-grade fever and fatigue. With this in mind, it is vital that you know how to manage the symptoms in order to provide relief to the individual. You can be prepared by enrolling in a first aid class today.

What are the allergy symptoms?

The typical allergy symptoms include nasal congestion and runny nose. In most cases, the nose can become itchy and the individual will sneeze in an attempt to eliminate the offending allergens that are present in the nose. The eyes will become itchy and start to water as the bodily system reacts to the substances the individual is allergic to. As the nasal passages and sinuses become inflamed and congested, headache can develop.

When the body attempts to eliminate pollen, an individual will develop dry cough. In most cases, the individual will become fatigued as the body tries to fight the allergens. If the symptoms worsen, low-grade fever can develop reaching up to 100.5 degrees F.

Low-grade fever
When the body attempts to eliminate pollen, an individual will develop dry cough. In most cases, the individual will become fatigued as the body tries to fight the allergens. If the symptoms worsen, low-grade fever can develop reaching up to 100.5 degrees F.

What causes the symptoms?

Always bear in mind that an individual allergic to pollen will strongly react to it. The body establishes a defensive response. Since pollen can spread quickly during windy days, it can reach even far distances. The plants responsible for producing the allergy-causing pollen include pine trees, junipers, grasses and various types of weed as well as deciduous trees.


The symptoms can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications for allergies. It is important to follow the right dosage instruction on the packaging since these medications can cause sleepiness. If the individual does not have high blood pressure, medications that contain pseudoephedrine can help relieve some of the symptoms. This medication can make the individual sleepy after the recommended dose has been taken.

In case the symptoms do not improve within 72 hours, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor. If the fever increases higher than 100.5 degrees F, nasal discharge becomes discolored, tenderness or pain around the eyes, cough with discolored mucus and fatigue due to an over-the-counter medication, consult a doctor.


It is important that the individual will stay indoors if possible during the peak time. In case the individual goes up during the peak time, it will surely trigger an allergic reaction. If he/she has to go outdoors whether for work or for daily tasks, measures that must be observed in order to avoid triggering allergies includes changing clothing and taking a bath upon returning home in order to eliminate any allergens that might have entered by sticking on the clothes and hair.

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