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Causes of red bumps on the body trunk

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There are various conditions that can cause red bumps to develop on the body trunk. Even though most cases of red bumps on the body trunk are relatively mild and manageable, it is not recommended to use any medications on the bumps until the cause is determined.

The incorrect treatment might make the red bumps worse or trigger an infection. Since it is hard to distinguish the difference between insect bites and serious skin issues, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor to properly diagnose the exact cause of the bumps and provide the suitable treatment.

What are the types?

Some conditions that might be responsible for causing the red bumps on the body trunk include hives, insect bites, contact dermatitis and scabies. There are certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema that also start with small-sized red bumps on the body trunk.

The doctor will utilize the physical appearance of the rashes along with background information such as the time of onset and presence of other symptoms such as fever or itchiness to determine the exact cause of the rash.

Time frame

Red rashes
Insect bites can lead to red bumps on individuals of all ages.

The age of the individual is an essential factor in determining the possible causes of the red bumps on the trunk. Some viral conditions such as measles, roseola and chickenpox can trigger the development of the reddish, bumps that starts on the trunk and spreads to the extremities.

Take note that these conditions are common among children and occur with other symptoms such as fever. Among adults, shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. It often starts with small-sized reddish bumps and typically affects individuals over 50 years old.

Considerations to bear in mind

Insect bites can lead to red bumps on individuals of all ages. The insect bites might be responsible if the individual develops less than about 20 reddened bumps with a bite site in the center. In addition, bites from bedbugs, fleas and mosquitoes can manifest even in areas that are clean and free from pets.

Scabies is a skin condition due to microscopic mites that leads to intense rashes that quickly spreads to others via close contact. An initial indication of scabies infection is itchiness especially at night time along with the evident small, red bumps around the belt line, nipples and buttocks.


Once the doctor determines that insect bites are responsible for causing the red bumps on the trunk, a possible infestation must be eliminated to prevent future bites. Even though insects such as fleas can be controlled using over-the-counter treatments, it is recommended to get in touch with professional pest services.

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