What to do for headaches in the back of the head?

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A headache can develop at different regions of the head and trigger intense pain. Headaches have been a common complaint by individuals of all ages. Many have experienced at least one headache in a year while millions suffer from chronic headaches.

The type of pain caused by headaches can range from dull to severe and the pain might be localized to a certain region in the head. Once headaches develop in the rear part of the head, it usually has certain causes.

Migraine headaches

A migraine headache is considered as a debilitating type of headache. It can instigate severe throbbing sensation and neurological disruptions. In most cases, migraines can occur along with auras or sensory warnings that an episode is about to occur.

An episode can last for 6-48 hours and the pain typically occurs behind the eyes and the back of the head and neck. The symptoms of a migraine headache include the following:

Headache in the back of the head
An episode can last for 6-48 hours and the pain typically occurs behind the eyes and the back of the head and neck.
  • Moderate to intense pain
  • Throbbing sensation in the head
  • Nausea
  • Heightened sensitivity to light and certain smells and sounds

The precise cause of migraines is still undetermined, but it is believed to be triggered by abnormal activity in the brain, environmental conditions, stress and certain foods.

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are the most prevalent type of headache. An episode starts at the back of the head and moves forward with symptoms of pressure and tightening. Individuals who suffer from this type of headache usually end up with intense pain at the back of the head and neck as well as the scalp and temples. This headache occurs once the neck and scalp muscles are tensed or contract.

The muscle contraction can occur due to stress and muscular tension as well as overexertion, illness, fatigue, caffeine and alcohol consumption or dental problems. Some individuals have experienced either chronic or episodic tension headaches at some point in their lives.

Rebound headaches

Rebound headaches typically occur due to constant use of pain medications. The pain affects the whole head or focused to certain areas of the head including the back of the head. This type of headache tends to develop on a daily basis and persists throughout the day.

Remember that both over-the-counter and prescription pain medications are responsible for causing rebound headaches. Individuals who use pain medications up to 10 or more times in a month might end up with rebound headaches. The symptoms include pain, throbbing sensation, irritability, restlessness, difficulty concentrating and anxiety.

Arthritis headaches

Arthritis headaches commonly trigger pain in the rear part of the head and neck. The link between headaches and arthritis is based on the location and form of arthritis. It is important to note that headaches related to neck and vertebrae issues often occur due to arthritis that affects the spine and neck.

The bone changes in the structure of the neck as well as the inflammation of the blood vessels of the head might also cause arthritis headaches. In most cases, the pain frequently occurs in the back area of the head and aggravated by movement.


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