What is overtraining syndrome?

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Overtraining is engaging in excessive high intensity training with short resting periods that can lead to feeling of constant tiredness, diminished performed, hormonal and neural changes, recurrent poor health and mood swings. Overtraining syndrome occurs as a result of overtraining and considered as a neuroendocrine condition. This has been previously called as “burnout”.

The principle of overload should be applied to any training program in order to maintain suitable performance enhancement. As long as there is adequate rest included, the gains are easily made. If rest is not enough, the benefits of training are diminished and the performance suffers. At this point, feeling of fatigue and other symptoms will disappear, thus allowing a return to full training by including adequate rest.

Nevertheless, once the performance starts to suffer, the individual often trains harder in an attempt to improve his/her results. This leads to further impairment, an increase in the training and development of a vicious cycle of poor performance and increased training.

Overtraining syndrome
Fatigue is the initial symptom that is quite evident if an individual is suspected with overtraining syndrome.

Symptoms of overtraining

Fatigue is the initial symptom that is quite evident if an individual is suspected with overtraining syndrome. This is typically followed by a number of symptoms such as the following:

  • Reduced maximal heart rate
  • Elevated morning heart rate and blood pressure
  • Persistent muscle soreness
  • Frequent illness such as upper respiratory tract infections
  • Irritability
  • Lack of motivation
  • Weight loss
  • Disrupted sleeping patterns
  • Lack of motivation
  • Appetite loss
  • Depression

In some cases, further investigation might reveal hormonal changes, hematological changes particularly the blood content, neuroendocrine changes and alterations in the blood lactate threshold and concentration at a given exercise intensity.

Management of overtraining syndrome

Once overtraining is suspected, the individual should be monitored closely by completing a daily diary. The individual should note down information regarding fatigue, stress levels, training details, sleep quality, muscle soreness and exertion while training. If you want to learn measures to ease the symptoms of this condition, click here.

The vital point in recovery from overtraining syndrome and preventing it from recurring is being familiar regarding the importance of rest in the training cycle and the detrimental effects of strenuous training.

A period of complete rest is highly recommended with sleep during the initial 48 hours. In less severe cases, this might be enough to eliminate the symptoms and re-invigorate the individual. As for complex cases, it would require proper rest, relaxation techniques, paying close attention to fluid and dietary intakes as well as psychological support.

Due to the risk of developing overtraining syndrome, the individual should maintain a balance in the intensity of his/her training and getting enough rest so that the body has enough time to recuperate. If the body is not allowed enough time to rest, it will surely lead to the development of this condition.

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