What is ascariasis?

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Ascariasis or roundworm infection is a prevalent condition in tropical areas with poor sanitation and hygienic practices. Remember that in such areas, most might be carriers of the parasite responsible for the infection.


This is considered as one of the most common human parasitic infection. Ascariasis is quite common among children between the ages of 3-8 years old.

What are the causes?

Ascariasis is brought about by the parasitic roundworm specifically Ascaris lumbricoides. The worm strikingly resembles the common earthworm ranging from 6-13 inches. Take note that up to 100 worms can potentially infect the human body.

If there are only a few roundworms in the intestines, there might be no symptoms. In case symptoms arise, the individual might experience vague abdominal pain.

Poor personal hygiene increases the risk for ascariasis. Human feces present in the streets, fields and yards are the main source of infectious eggs in highly populated areas. The eggs do not infect humans when initially excreted by the roundworm. Generally, the eggs are transmitted by hand to mouth.

The eggs require several weeks to develop and become infectious. If an individual ingests the eggs, they move into the intestines where they hatch into larvae and start their voyage throughout the body. The worm reach maturity in around 2 months.

What are the indications?

If there are only a few roundworms in the intestines, there might be no symptoms. In case symptoms arise, the individual might experience vague abdominal pain.

The initial sign of infection might be the presence of a live worm in the vomit or stool. In case the larvae moved into the lungs, the individual might have an ailment strikingly resembling pneumonia along with cough, wheezing and fever. This phase arises before the intestinal phase by weeks and the symptoms are difficult to diagnose.

In case there is significant infection, the individual might have a partial or complete obstruction of the small intestine along with the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Significant abdominal pain
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Restlessness

If the infection is severe, the more severe the symptoms become. In some cases, the pancreas can become inflamed. In serious cases, especially those that involves blockages, it can be deadly.

Management of ascariasis

The doctor treats ascariasis effectively with medications specifically albendazole, mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate.

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