Overview on biceps tendonitis

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Biceps tendonitis occurs due to repetitive movement. Once the tendons are overused, they can end up sore and painful. Individuals who engage in certain sports such as baseball, tennis, swimming and golf are at high risk especially the arms, shoulders and elbows. It can also occur due to an abrupt, serious injury to the tendon.

An individual might develop biceps tendonitis in the elbow or at the shoulder. Take note that it is unusual to develop the condition in both places at the same time.

Management of biceps tendonitis

Application of an ice pack or cold pack to lower the swelling.

Even though biceps tendonitis can trigger intense pain, it can resolve completely if treated early.

The commonly used treatment options include the following:

  • Application of an ice pack or cold pack to lower the swelling.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or aspirin can be given to alleviate the pain.
  • The individual should get enough rest and avoid certain activities especially heavy lifting over the head.
  • Physical therapy might be suggested by the doctor to help the shoulder or elbow recover fully.
  • In severe cases of biceps tendonitis, surgery might be required to ensure full recovery. When surgery is done, the lining surrounding the tendon is opened and the inflammatory tissues are taken out. The tendon is assessed for any tears and fixed. In some cases, a tendon in the shoulder might be shortened.


Since the main cause of biceps tendonitis is overuse, the ideal treatment is prevention. The individual must avoid or make the necessary adjustments to activities that trigger the problem in the first place.

  • When engaging in physical activities, it must be done slowly initially and gradually build up the activity level.
  • Limit the number of repetitions done and the amount of force used.
  • Stop any activity if any unusual pain arises.
  • Treat any underlying conditions such as poor posture or poor technique in work or sports.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on biceps tendonitis is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage this type of tendon injury, register for a first aid and CPR course with Ottawa First Aid.

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