What are the usual complications of gout?

What are the usual complications of gout?

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Gout is a condition that mainly affects the joints. Many individuals diagnosed with the condition usually have a hard time coping with the symptoms. It is sad to note though that it is vital to be vigilant for its complications as well. These complications can be triggered by the disease itself or by medications taken to managed it.

Common complications of gout


If an individual has gout, the high levels of uric acid deposit sharp crystals in the joints. These are responsible for triggering painful episodes. If the condition persists for many years, tophi might also form which are solid lumps of uric acid that form beneath the skin of the fingers, toes, elbows or hands.

When it comes to the management of tophi, it involves a 2-pronged approach – medications such as allopurinol to regulate the uric acid levels and lifestyle changes such as cutting down weight.

If the individual has the condition for some time but was not able to control it, he/she might end up with an advanced stage of the condition.

Joint damage

If the individual has the condition for some time but was not able to control it, he/she might end up with an advanced stage of the condition. This can lead to lasting damage to the joints. Remember that large-sized tophi can form around the joints and tendons which causes chronic pain and deformity.

Heart attack

Aside from a family history of heart disease and smoking, gout is a risk factor for heart attack among men. Based on studies, the condition heightens the risk for a heart attack in men. It is believed that the high levels of uric acid in the blood might contribute to heart disease.

Medications might also be a contributing factor. In the previous years, doctors believe that gout is a pain issue and managed using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Prolonged use of NSAIDs increases the risk for heart attack.

Kidney issues

The deposit of uric acid in the joints can also occur in the urinary tract and result to the formation of kidney stones. The accumulation of uric acid in the body can impair the kidneys over time.





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