What are the symptoms of earwax impaction?

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Earwax impaction or earwax blockage is a condition in which the earwax or cerumen hardens within the ear canal and causes different issues. The earwax is constantly created in the ear to help prevent the entry of dirt and bacteria as well as foreign materials. Luckily, the symptoms of earwax impaction can be relieved with different modes of treatment.

The individual must avoid inserting any pointed object into the ear canal in an attempt to get rid of the earwax impaction. This can injure the ear canal and will only push the blockage further. In severe cases of impaction, a doctor must be consulted so that the appropriate treatment options can be carried out in removing the earwax.


It is important to note that earache can indicate earwax impaction. The blockage can cause the irritation of the ear canal or middle ear and cause further problems. An earache is a dull, burning or sharp pain in one or both ears. The usual earache symptoms include irritability, ear pain, fussiness, fever and increased crying especially among children.

Take note that an earache usually occurs since the earwax impaction results to the accumulation of fluid and pressure at the back of the eardrum. The other causes of earache include sinus infection, arthritis of the jaw, tooth infection and sore throat.

Earwax impaction
An earache is a dull, burning or sharp pain in one or both ears.

Hearing loss

Earwax impact can clog up the ear canal and eventually lead to hearing loss. The indications of hearing loss include difficulty understanding words, muffled sound to speech and avoiding social settings. The other symptoms of hearing loss include turning up the volume and avoiding conversations with others.

The risk factors for hearing loss include chronic exposure to loud sounds, hereditary, illnesses such as meningitis and even certain medications such as gentamycin. The treatment for hearing loss involves the removal of wax from the affected ear, utilizing a hearing aid or the implantation of a cochlear impact into the ear. Take note that the first aid measures and treatment to be provided will depend on the cause of the hearing loss.


Tinnitus is considered as a possible symptom of earwax impaction. The condition refers to a medical problem in which the individual hears buzzing, ringing, whistling or hissing sounds in the ear. Take note that these sounds can be soft or loud. In reality, millions of individuals all over the world have tinnitus.

The condition is not only due to the build-up of earwax but also exposure to loud noises, fluid build-up, head injuries, low or high blood pressure and problems with the teeth, jaw or blood vessels. Tinnitus can also be treated by using hearing aids, sound generators and relaxation techniques. Additionally, other treatments can involve the avoidance of alcohol, smoking as well as exposure to loud noises.

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