What are the symptoms of atrial fibrillation?

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Always remember that the heart does not take a break even for a second. On a daily basis, it beats approximately 100,000 times to pump blood that contains oxygen and essential nutrients all over the body. Due to its essential role in life, once the heartbeat appears erratic, it can cause us to worry.

What is atrial fibrillation?

During atrial fibrillation, the heart is not beating in an efficient manner. An irregular or erratic heartbeat can indicate that the blood is not flowing via the atria as quickly as needed, which is why blood clots are likely to form. Once the blood clot travels to the brain, it can lead to a stroke. Remember that atrial fibrillation will increase the risk for stroke.

Aside from the clot formation, atrial fibrillation will eventually wear down the pumping ability of the heart and weaken it. Even though this does not always poses as an immediate threat, it is vital to recognize the symptoms for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is a heart flutter?

Atrial fibrillation
Chest pain and abrupt weakness are main symptoms of a heart attack but can also indication atrial fibrillation.

When the heartbeat is racing or fluttering, it is an indicative symptom of atrial fibrillation. Oftentimes, there are no symptoms at all and an individual will not even suspect that he/she has the condition.

  • Atrial flutter is closely linked to atrial fibrillation where the individual feels that the heart is beating very fast but in a regular manner.
  • Atrial flutter is different from heart palpitations. When it comes to palpitations, it is abrupt pounding, fluttering sensation or a rapid heart rate.
  • Sick sinus syndrome involves quickened and slower heartbeat. This affects the elderly where the sinus node no longer functions optimally.
  • Premature atrial contraction involves a beat that occurs earlier than normal and then followed by a pause that feels powerful than the previous beat. This can be triggered by alcohol, caffeine, fatigue and stress.

Vague symptoms

The other symptoms of atrial fibrillation are strikingly similar to other conditions.

  • Lightheadedness due to the decrease in the blood pressure and confusion can be linked to atrial fibrillation since limited oxygen reaches the brain.
  • Syncope occurs once the blood pressure is low and the brain does not receive enough oxygen.
  • Chest pain and abrupt weakness are main symptoms of a heart attack but can also indication atrial fibrillation.
  • Shortness of breath that is accompanied by other symptoms can indicate atrial fibrillation.

When to consult a doctor

Atrial fibrillation might not be an ongoing or chronic condition. Some experience this condition infrequently with symptoms that last for only a few minutes or hours and then stop. This type of atrial fibrillation is called as paroxysmal but still requires treatment.

In case the individual experiences any symptoms or the heart feels weird in an unusual way, a doctor must be consulted. When it comes to the chest pain, immediate action must be taken to rule out the possibility of a heart attack. In case of a heart attack, you have to be prepared to help out the individual. You will learn the appropriate steps to perform by enrolling in a course on first aid today.

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