What are the symptoms of a venomous snake bite?

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The indications of a venomous snake bite might be apparent or mild. Oftentimes, these punctures are not yet noticeable for one hour or more. Always remember that not all snake venom reacts in an equal manner. It is important to consider the age of the individual and overall health at the time the bite was sustained. With this in mind, it is essential to be familiar on what to watch out for when assessing the severity of a venomous snake bite.


Fang marks

You have to initially identify the fang marks. Healthcare professionals can determine the type of snake based on the fang marks on the skin. Take note that non-poisonous snakes can deliver bite marks but a venomous species normally possesses twin fangs. Oftentimes, a venomous snake will only graze the surface of the skin, thus you should not only depend on this approach.

Effects on the circulation and respiratory

It is important to monitor closely the individual for any changes in the blood pressure or respiratory distress. These are common side effects if an individual is bitten by coral snakes and other venomous snakes in the similar family.


You have to expect the individual to experience different levels of pain both in the area of the bite and other parts of the extremities. Take note that the degree of pain tends to vary based on the age, overall health and the species of snake that delivered the bite.

Other symptoms of a venomous snake bite to watch out for

Venomous snake bite
Observe for signs of nausea and dizziness. Take note that these are common reactions to bites caused by venomous snakes of most species.
  • You have to observe the affected area around the bite site since it will start to swell over time. In most cases, venomous snake bites will always swell up immediately or over time.
  • Observe for signs of nausea and dizziness. Take note that these are common reactions to bites caused by venomous snakes of most species.
  • You have to monitor for tingling sensation, numbness and weakness. Most of the snake venom can cause a numbing effect. The weakness and tingling sensation are the neurological effects caused by venomous snakes.
  • There are also changes in the skin. If the bite was delivered by a viper, the skin will often blister up and necrosis of the skin can also develop. You should always watch out for skin that starts to turn blue in color.

Always bear in mind that any or all of these indications may or may not occur right after a snake bite. All snake bites must be treated as medical emergencies and must be treated by a healthcare professional right away with appropriate emergency first aid.

Make sure that the individual bitten by a snake is calm. Try to keep him/her calm while waiting for the medical team to arrive on the scene or while on the way to the emergency department at the nearest hospital.

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