What are the effects of a slow heartbeat?

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A slow heartbeat is not always a health issue. In reality, it is considered normal in some individuals especially those who are young and healthy. A slow heartbeat or bradycardia is a heart rate lower than 60 beats per minute. This condition becomes a medical issue when the individual starts to experience the side effects which can also indicate a serious underlying cause. A doctor should be consulted if the individual experiences any complications involving a slow or erratic heartbeat. If an individual has a slow heartbeat, a doctor can help determine the cause.



A slow heartbeat can reduce the amount of oxygen all over the body, thus affecting the function of the vital organs. Weakness and fatigue have been the usual symptoms as a consequence of this inadequate oxygen supply. Bradycardia can also interfere with the ability of the individual to sleep which heightens fatigue during the day. A usual condition that disturbs sleep is obstructive sleep apnea that can lead to an abnormally slow heart rate. Take note that bradycardia will make physical activity challenging along with fatigue due to sleep apnea and make it difficult for the individual to engage in activity during the day.

Slow heartbeat
Dizziness is another usual symptom of a slow heartbeat.

Cardiovascular issues

An erratic heart beat can lead to cardiovascular effects. The individual can suffer from chest pain along with shortness of breath. If bradycardia is not treated, it will contribute to the inability of the heart to pump blood adequately, thus increasing the chances for heart failure. It can also lead to cardiac arrest and sudden death in severe cases. This is an issue of concern if the individual has preexisting conditions that causes slow heartbeat such as hypertension, heart disease, lupus and congenital heart defects. If you want to learn how to manage this condition, read here.

Dizziness and fainting

Dizziness is another usual symptom of a slow heartbeat. It can lead to fainting spells in some cases due to the diminished supply of oxygen to the vital organs. Those who have arrhythmia can lead to the slow beating of the heart. Aside from the dizziness and fainting, symptoms of arrhythmia include sweating, lightheadedness and changes in the heart rate. The individual can also experience palpitations and skipped beats which can also affect the pulse pattern.


In most cases, medical testing is required to determine the root cause of the slow heartbeat before a treatment plan is started. By treating the source of the condition, it can help restore the normal heart rate. The use of synthetic thyroid medications can stop the effects of ending up with an underactive thyroid, which is a potential cause of bradycardia.

The implantation of a pacemaker might be required if other treatment options are ineffective. The electrical device controls the heartbeat while at the same time recording information that the doctor monitors.

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