What are the common rear shoulder injuries?

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The shoulder is a highly mobile joint which allows one to reach up behind and across the body. The common shoulder injuries at the rear region are managed with conservative measures to allow the individual to return to their previous level of function.

Close look on prevalent rear shoulder injuries

Muscle strain

A common rear shoulder injury is a muscle strain. This injury involves partial or full tearing of the muscle fibers. In the back part of the shoulder, most cases of muscle strains arise if the arm is decelerating from a strong motion such as spiking in volleyball, serving in tennis or throwing a ball.

During a muscle strain, the individual experiences immediate pain that varies in severity depending on the severity of the strain. It is vital to refrain from activities that worsen the pain.

A common rear shoulder injury is a muscle strain.

Application of ice is also done to control the pain and swelling after the injury. the individual can greatly benefit from physical therapy during the initial phase of healing and could resume activity in 2-6 weeks.


Tendinitis that affects the rear shoulder is usually due to repetitive overuse or overtraining. Sports that involve overhead movement such as tennis, throwing and swimming are due to posterior shoulder tendinitis.

The condition typically responds well to conservative treatment. The individual should adjust activities to avoid movements that trigger the symptoms. Recurrence of the injury can be prevented by strengthening the area once the symptoms have settled.


Radiculopathy is pain that is referred to an area from a different body part. The discomfort in the back region of the shoulder might be triggered by annoyance of the nerves where they depart the spinal column within the upper back or neck.

The irritation might be due to the pressing of the spinal discs against the nerve particularly with a bulging or herniated disc or might be due to the deterioration of the spine and a decrease in the amount of space amidst the discs.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on rear shoulder injuries is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage shoulder injuries, register for a first aid and CPR course with Ottawa First Aid.

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