What are the adverse abdominal reactions after consuming pine nuts?

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The adverse abdominal reactions to pine nuts after consumption are the usual symptoms of an allergic reaction. The pine nuts are considered as tree nuts which is one of the leading triggers of allergic reactions that can lead to death among highly sensitive individuals. The abdominal reactions are not normal and require proper evaluation by a doctor. If you notice that an individual ends up with adverse reactions after consuming pine nuts, he/she must stop eating them.

When it comes to these reactions, it is best that you are prepared to provide ease to the individual. All you have to do is to enroll in a course on first aid today in your area.

What is pine nut allergy?

When it comes to pine nut allergy, it develops once the immune system erroneously perceives proteins founds in the nut as a threat to the body. The body will start to defend itself by producing antibodies. The presence of the IgE antibodies in the bloodstream will cause the mast cells to release histamine. Take note that histamine fights off the substances but can cause irritation and inflammation in the soft tissue all over the body. The commonly affected soft tissues due to the increase of histamine include the lung tissues, nasal tissues and digestive tract tissues.

Pine nuts
The individual can suffer from diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating and cramping.

Abdominal symptoms

The usual symptom of an allergic reaction after consumption of pine nuts is the gastrointestinal complications. In most cases, the gastrointestinal symptoms will manifest within a few minutes after eating. The individual can suffer from diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating and cramping. A doctor must be consulted if there is blood-streaked stool or diarrhea that persists for more than 24 hours.


The abdominal symptoms will not respond to the commonly used over-the-counter gastrointestinal medications. Take note that the body will work on eliminating the allergen. It is vital to allow the body to eliminate the pine nut proteins present in the body. It is recommended to increase the fluid intake and wait until the diarrhea subsides before eating solid foods. A doctor must be consulted about allergy testing in order to confirm an allergy.

Avoiding potential triggers

Always bear in mind that tree nuts are regarded as a tree nut and must be disclosed on the product packaging. If an individual is diagnosed with pine nut allergy, he/she must avoid eating pine nuts and other related tree nuts. Make sure that the individual will carefully read all product labels and when eating out, inform the server regarding the allergy. A doctor can be consulted for other nuts that must be avoided in order to prevent a reaction from occurring.

Take note that diarrhea is a usual symptom of anaphylaxis that can lead to death if not treated promptly and properly. Call for emergency assistance if the individual develops shortness of breath, hives and an elevated heart rate.

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