Training upon Miscarriage

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Miscarriage can threaten the life of the Mother as well as the baby.Pregnancy Basic First Aid Roomloss is a common problem in the present era due to advanced lifestyles and is unfortunately a shocking reality. Whenever there are signs of Miscarriages of a pregnant mother, immediate medical help should be followed up. The term Miscarriage means immediate termination of pregnancy wherein the embryo or the fetus is no more alive and cannot exist as an individual entity. Miscarriages often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. At later stages, Miscarriages occur more or less due to accidents. This article will be dealt into three parts which will include signs and symptoms of miscarriages, immediate first aid given in miscarriages and Seeking immediate medical care. Having a skilled person who has undergone first aid training for handling miscarriages may help save both mother and the child. 1. Signs of Miscarriage during pregnancy Before providing any kind of first aid one should look for various signs and symptoms of the miscarriage. Expert advice should always be taken from a person undergone a first aid training. Miscarriage may be caused when there is undesirable and severe abdominal pain, back pain, bleeding which may be light initially but progresses at a rapid rate and cause excessive loss of blood, Cramps, Fever, Weakness and Vomiting. Never ignore such symptoms. One should always check for signs before actual miscarriage may occur. There are four types of miscarriages Threatened, Incomplete, Inevitable and Complete Miscarriage .Out of these four, threatened miscarriages is the one in which there will be bleeding and pain in early pregnancy. These signs if well monitored from the start may save you from complete miscarriage and hence losing the fetus. Hence you should be aware of the signs and immediately seek medical help before conditions worsen. 2. Immediate first aid upon confirmation of miscarriage. The first action upon confirmation of miscarriage is to immediately seek medical help. Keep emergency contact number of the doctor in hand always. The patient should be lifted very carefully especially if it is a very late stage of pregnancy, so that it doesn’t harm the child any further. If it is an early stage of pregnancy and some tissue like stuff is passed then immediate medical attention should be taken and this should be preserved in the container. The mother should call for help before going unconscious so that any person in the neighborhood can get immediate help to her before it is too late. 3. First Aid by Medical Practitioner for stopping Miscarriages If the doctor feels now that the pregnancy is totally terminated and miscarriage have occurred, nothing can be done to save the child.But, if the bleeding is not very spontaneous then the doctor prescribes the patient to take bed rest and that the baby will be safe. The mother may further consult an obstetrician and always keep a nurse or someone to look after her and to protect her from conditions that may cause miscarriage. The pregnant mother should be closely monitored by a doctor which is the only key method of preventing the complete termination of pregnancy. Psychological recovery from miscarriage usually takes a great amount of time. Giving early help to the mother and having a person in the vicinity who has undergone a first aid training may help in saving the child as well as the mother. If it is too late then it may eventually lead to the end of pregnancy.

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