Taping a broken foot

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The foot is comprised of 26 bones and has an extensive network of tendons, ligaments, nerves as well as the blood vessels. The multifaceted structure of the foot makes it prone to different forms of injuries. A damaged foot can transpire due to a direct injury, severe twisting motion as well as overuse or endured a heavy object.

The treatment for a broken foot usually depends on the severity of the damaged area, but can include immobilization or even surgery in severe cases. Athletic taping has not been considered as a suitable substitute for proper medical care though. Nevertheless, taping can help provide support to the broken foot as the individual returns to exercise or sports after the injury.

Preparing the broken foot

Broken foot
A damaged foot can transpire due to a direct injury, severe twisting motion as well as overuse or endured a heavy object.

The initial step is to prepare the foot and ankle to be taped by cleansing using an antibacterial soap. You have to provide adequate support to the rear foot as well as the ankle while taping. It is best to consider shaving the affected area in order to prevent the tape from adhering to the hair. Make sure that the foot and ankle is fully dried using a towel.


You have to position the foot and ankle to be taped in a neutral position. Make sure that the heel is rested on a table or chair with the toes pointed toward the ceiling.

Applying the dressing

It is now time to apply a 2-inch by 2-inch piece of dressing on the ankle. Initially, apply one to the front and the other to the rear part of the ankle close to the heel. Spray a light amount of adhesive spray in order to prevent these pieces from moving.

You have to pre-wrap around the foot and ankle. The pre-wrap is designed to function as an additional layer of protection as well as preventing the tape from adhering on the foot and ankle.

Apply the pre-wrap starting at the top of the ankle in a figure-8 manner. Continue to apply until the area up to the ball of the foot has been properly covered.

Apply 2 anchors of tape over the pre-wrap. First, apply one piece of tape around the top of the ankle. Apply the second strip of tape but this piece must make a ā€œUā€. You have to start at one side of the ankle and bring up the tape down towards the heel and up the opposite side of the foot to your ankle. For additional support, create up to 3 ā€œUā€s.

Apply a layer of the tape in a circle-like manner around the ankle to the top of the foot. Make sure that you will apply a second layer of tape in a circular motion. Apply an adhesive spray or stick on the edges of the taping in order to secure in place. In addition, you can apply pieces of tape on the heel area for added support.

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