Principles of First Aid

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First aid is defined as the immediate care given to an injured or ill person. It is the initial care administered by a concerned person as soon as possible after an accident or illness. The “concerned person” here refers to any trained first aid personnel or even any civilian who is trained in first aid within the vicinity of the scene. It is this prompt care and attention that sometimes means the difference between life and death, or between a full or partial recovery.

The principles of first aid are directly related to its three main aims, which are: to preserve life, to prevent further harm, and to promote recovery. However, the principles of first aid delve more into the rules and guidelines that are involved in common conditions and general practices when administering first aid. The following are some of the principles that a person has to know when providing first aid.

First of all, the first aider must bear in mind before entering the scene that he/ she should assess and treat the casualty in the correct order of priority. As it follows, he/ she should arrange for evacuation, if necessary, in the correct priority as well. Secondly, the first aider must rescue and remove the casualty in the shortest possible time without worsening the existing health situation. This means to prevent further injury to the casualty and to avoid injury to oneself, such as in instances of enemy fire, flames, collapsing building or any other hazards. Also, note that the first aid provided should be confined to essentials only. If hemorrhage is present, it should be stopped as soon as possible to prevent massive blood loss. Next, the first aider should ensure the restoration of the respiration and circulation of the casualty. Also, he/ she must do measures to prevent impending shock and/ or provide treatment of shock if the victim is already in such a state. Another principle is to the immobilization of simple and compound fractures, dislocations, and injured limbs. With this, the casualties should be placed in a comfortable position as much as possible. Consequently, the first aider must provide comfort measures for the alleviation of pain, which is done by simple procedures and through the administration of pain medication. And lastly, the first aider must provide assurance of getting well quickly to the victim, as well as moral boosting. By doing so, relief from anxiety is also provided.

Every individual ought to know something about first aid as it is never known when someone may be called upon to use it. At the most unexpected of times, accidents can occur. This can be involving loved ones, close relatives or total strangers. If a person knows at least the basics of first aid, he/ she can help himself/ herself, his/ her loved ones and the stranger whose life may depend on him/ her being in the right place at the right time with the right knowledge. This knowledge of first aid enables a person to deal with emergencies that can be life threatening. A trained individual should be in a position to offer first aid whenever there is someone who is need of help.

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