Contact dermatitis develops once the skin comes in contact with anything that triggers reddening and inflammation.
2 types of contact dermatitis
There are 2 types of contact dermatitis that can develop depending on the condition of an individual.
- Allergic – this is triggered by an allergen and continues to cause skin inflammation during every exposure.
- Irritant – occurs once an irritant triggers skin inflammation upon exposure to irritants for an extended period of time.
Apply moisturizers on a daily basis that must be applied after the skin has been wet such as after bathing, showering or swimming.
In both forms of contact dermatitis, they can cause the skin to become reddened, cracked, blistered, thicken and dried up. The indications of contact dermatitis can be properly managed with appropriate treatment.
There are several treatment options that can be used to manage the condition such as the following:
- Avoid the potential trigger if known. This is a substance that might be responsible for triggering contact dermatitis such as skin lotions, cosmetics, jewelry or certain fabrics.
- Always keep the house clear from any triggers. Dust should be cleaned and carpets should be vacuumed regularly to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew.
- In case the triggers could not be avoided, protective measures must be observed such as using gloves or a face mask to minimize exposure.
- If in contact with allergens or irritants at work, the employer should be informed to reduce contact.
- Prevent the skin from becoming too dry. Apply moisturizers on a daily basis that must be applied after the skin has been wet such as after bathing, showering or swimming.
- If possible, avoid exposure to extreme changes in cold or heat and humidity.
- Avoid scratching the affected skin and keep the nails short to avoid accidental scratching and breaking of the skin.
In case contact dermatitis is severe or there are other complications, it is recommended to set a check-up with a doctor so that further evaluation can be carried and proper treatment can be initiated.