Proper management of a foreign body in the nose

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The nose is considered as a profound space that goes directly back into the face. A small region of the nasal cavity is discernible by simply looking into the tip of the nose. In the rear of the nose, the space turns downward and connects to the rear part of the mouth.

The usual objects that can become embedded inside the nose include tissue paper, food, toys, beads and rocks. Most cases of foreign body in the nose are not considered serious and typically occur among toddlers and children from 1-8 years old.

Any object that is stuck in the nose and does not trigger any symptoms might not be given any attention. In case the object triggers discomfort, it must be fully removed right away. Additionally, an object that is embedded in the nose might dislodge and travel into the mouth where it might be swallowed or even inhaled into the lungs that will block the airflow.

Foreign body in the nose
Any foreign object that is embedded in the nose can cause pain or difficulty breathing through that side of the nose.

Causes of foreign body in the nose

Most cases of foreign body in the nose involve various reasons. When asking a child, it is vital to approach in a non-judgmental manner. Otherwise, there is the risk that the child will deny putting an object into the nose. This can result to a postponement in its detection and increase the risk for complications.

Trauma is considered as another usual cause of objects to be embedded inside the nose. Once an individual falls or was directly struck in the face, it is vital to consider the possibility that the object might end up stuck in the nose and completely out of view.

Symptoms of foreign body in the nose

Luckily, many can end up with an object embedded into the nose. It is important that you are familiar with the symptoms of a foreign body in the nose. If you want to be prepared to manage the symptoms, all you have to do is to enroll in a course on first aid today.

  • Any foreign object that is embedded in the nose can cause pain or difficulty breathing through that side of the nose.
  • Nose bleeding is also a usual symptom of a foreign body in the nose since the tissues of the nose can be easily scratched. The blood can flow down to the back of the throat and can be swallowed. Since blood is sickening, the individual can vomit which can appear black or bloody in appearance depending on how long the blood stays in the stomach.
  • The individual can swallow the foreign object or choke on it. The choking, difficulty breathing, wheezing or inability to talk would require proper evaluation of the nose and throat.
  • Infection is a usual symptom of a foreign object in the nose. The individual can complain of continuous nasal discharge from one side of the nose.
  • Even if the individual can sense the presence of something unusual in the nose, it might be confused with nasal congestion thus small-sized objects or torn tissue paper can be undetected.
  • Foul odor can also indicate a foreign body in the nose that lasted for some time. It can manifest as bad breath or foul odor from the nose.
  • The skin under the nose can become raw due to the continuous discharge or from frequent wiping.

Treatment for foreign body in the nose

There are measures to remove a foreign object in the nose but it is best to seek medical care if the object is embedded deep into the nose or if was pushed farther up the nasal cavity if removal was attempted.

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