Possible cause of high back pain

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Even though low back pain is a common complaint, there are certain conditions that can lead to intermittent or chronic high back pain. If the individual experiences new pain that develops in the upper back or thoracic area in the spine, a doctor should be consulted so that proper assessment can be carried out. Oftentimes, high back pain can be managed with proper stretching and exercise while other cases would require medical care.


Poor posture

Those who sit for extended periods, spending long hours in a computer or driving for long periods will eventually lead to changes in the posture. In such cases, the head will move forward while the shoulders round forward. As time passes by, this can lead to a rounded upper back or kyphosis.

Always bear in mind that this change develops since the upper back muscles are overly stretched and weakened while the chest muscles become tight. It is good to note that exercises can help strengthen the upper back while stretching can loosen up the chest muscles. Additionally, efforts to maintain good posture throughout the day can help correct the condition as well as ease high back pain.

High back pain
In severe cases, scoliosis can lead to high back pain accompanied by breathing difficulty.


Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves abnormally sideways and forms an S-shape. Even though this condition is common among children, it can develop among adults as well. Those who have scoliosis have one shoulder or hip that is higher than the other or one shoulder blade that protrudes more than the other.

In some cases, the abnormal curve is only mild but can be severe in others. In severe cases, scoliosis can lead to high back pain accompanied by breathing difficulty. As for mild cases, it will not require any form of treatment. In severe cases, it would require the use of a brace or even surgery.


This is a condition in which the bones lose strength and become susceptible to fractures. The common sites of fractures include the wrist, spine and hip. Once the bones in the spine weaken, they could no longer support the weight of the body, thus causing them to collapse and lead to a compression fracture.

Compression fractures in the thoracic area can cause high back pain. As for severe cases of osteoporosis, even coughing or sneezing can cause a fracture.

Once the spine collapses, the individual will lose height while the upper back will start to round forward. Since osteoporosis can develop without causing any symptoms until a fracture occurs, it is important to undergo regular bone density test to diagnose the condition early. Depending on the severity of osteoporosis, exercise and medication can help prevent further damage and bone loss. If you want to learn more about fractures, click here.

Herniated thoracic disk

Between every vertebra in the spine, there are gel-filled circle structures that are called as disks. These are responsible for allowing the spine to move and provide cushioning. Due to age and normal wear and tear, the disks will start to lose fluid and can slip out of place. Vehicular accidents, arthritis or incorrect body mechanics can cause the disk to herniate.

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