Difficulty Swallowing

Oxygen therapy: Close look on nasal cannulas and face masks

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Nasal cannulas and face masks are utilized to supply oxygen to an individual who could not get enough. These are commonly utilized to provide relief to individuals suffering from respiratory conditions.

  • A nasal cannula is comprised of a flexible tube positioned under the nose. The tube includes 2 prongs that go within the nostrils.
  • A face mask covers both the nose and the mouth.

Remember that both methods of oxygen delivery are attached to oxygen sources that are available in various sizes.

The nasal cannulas and simple face masks are utilized to provide low levels of oxygen to an individual. A Venturi mask provides oxygen at higher levels. In some cases, nasal cannulas can also be used to supply a high level of oxygen.

Who can benefit from nasal cannulas and face masks?

Nasal cannulas
These are commonly utilized to provide relief to individuals suffering from respiratory conditions.

Nasal cannulas and face masks can be utilized to treat individuals who are suffering from respiratory conditions. These are also used in healthcare facilities for those who experience certain forms of ordeal or those who have acute disorders such as heart failure.

How are they used?

Oxygen is administered using nasal cannulas or face masks in clinics, healthcare facilities or specialized care facilities. It can also be administered in a home setting or even while on the go. There are some devices that are portable and can be slung over the shoulders.

Nasal cannulas have been the main choice for the delivery of oxygen. The reason for this is that they are less intrusive and enables the individual to eat and talk freely.

What are the benefits?

Individuals who are under oxygen therapy usually have more energy and can breathe a lot easier. In addition, they can also sleep better at night time. It is important to note that oxygen therapy can prolong the lives of those who are suffering from COPD.

Possible risks

Individuals who are using nasal cannulas oftentimes complain of nasal dryness especially when given oxygen at high levels. There are new devices that help deal with this by adding moisture along with warmth to the delivery process.

Despite the benefits, oxygen therapy has its share of risks that you should be familiar with. A number of complications can manifest with prolonged treatment including inability to cough up mucus. In some instances, an individual might go into respiratory arrest.

A doctor should be consulted if the individual has a bluish tint to his/her fingernails or lips or start to experience difficulty breathing while under supplemental oxygen.

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