Nocturnal seizures: What are the possible causes?

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Nocturnal seizures are linked to sleep-related seizures that arise at night time. An individual with the condition shows episodes of movement that jerks the body awake. In most cases, a seizure can occur several times throughout the night or limited in frequency. Since nocturnal seizures are considered as a form of epilepsy, most of the symptoms strikingly resemble epileptic seizures.


Nocturnal seizures can occur several years after sustaining head trauma. Children might also experience seizures after a severe head injury. Stroke and tumors that permanently impair the brain can also result to seizures.

Fever and vaccines

Nocturnal seizures can occur several years after sustaining head trauma.

It is important to note that fever is how the body eliminates invading microorganisms. The body temperature becomes higher than the ideal environment for bacteria or viruses and occasionally eliminates them. It is sad to note that fever can also cause seizures, especially among children. The episodes can arise several times during day and night, resulting to nocturnal seizures.

Drug and alcohol abuse

Excessive use of drugs and alcohol can lead to seizures. There is a high possibility of seizures among alcoholic individuals who drink heavily and when under detox from substance abuse. An initial nocturnal seizure can arise several hours up to 2 days after cessation from some drugs and alcohol.

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