Management of hamstring tweaks

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The hamstring is situated in the rear part of the thigh which is a large-sized muscle. This muscle is considered as one of the powerful muscles but that does not mean that it is no longer at risk for injuries. In some cases, the hamstring can become tweaked. Take note that a “tweak” injury is considered as a mild type of injury resulting to a pulled muscle. This type of injury is not usually serious, but it can still cause pain and somewhat debilitating to some individuals. Luckily, with proper first aid measures and treatment, hamstring tweaks can easily disappear.

Application of ice

The initial  measure that you can perform for a hamstring tweak is to apply an ice pack or cold compress on the affected hamstring for 15-20 minutes at three times in a day in order to minimize the inflammation and pain. You can wrap an ice pack using a small cloth or towel and apply light pressure. Directly applying ice can only cause further damage to the skin. You can continue this treatment up to four days.

Hamstring tweak
The initial measure that you can perform for a hamstring tweak is to apply an ice pack or cold compress on the affected hamstring for 15-20 minutes at three times in a day in order to minimize the inflammation and pain.


The affected leg must be elevated at the first day. You can utilize a large-sized, flat pillow and fold it in half. Position the leg of the individual on top of the pillow. This must be done every time the individual is resting and when he/she goes to sleep.


You have to wrap the affected hamstring using an elastic compression bandage. Always make sure that the bandage covers the affected area. Take note that the bandage must be secure but loose enough that you can still insert two fingers beneath the bandage. The application of the bandage will help minimize the swelling brought about by the injury.


You can provide the individual with a hamstring tweak with medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs. The commonly used is ibuprofen which works by preventing the body from producing pro-inflammatory hormones. This helps minimize the swelling, pain and redness. It is important to make sure that the individual will follow the instructions given by the doctor while taking ibuprofen.


The individual must be given enough time to rest until the pain in a hamstring tweak diminishes. Always remember that rest is a vital component in the treatment of hamstring tweaks. The affected muscle can heal best once the body is able to rest. Additionally, if the affected hamstring is used too much, it can lengthen the recovery period due to the tearing of the muscle as well as complete rupture of the muscle.

Important considerations to bear in mind

The individual must stretch his/her legs thoroughly before performing an exercise routine in order to prevent a hamstring tweak from developing.

Some individuals should not take ibuprofen. With this in mind, it is best to consult a doctor first before starting treatment that involves ibuprofen. If an ice pack is used, it must be wrapped in a cloth or towel before it is applied on bare skin.

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