Arm tendinitis develops if the limb is used repeatedly which strains the tendons. The common variants of the condition include golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, swimmer’s shoulder or pitcher’s shoulder.
In case the individual experiences these painful symptoms along with difficulty in moving the arm, there are several measures that can help lessen the inflammation as well as prevent further tearing of the tendon.
Measures in caring for arm tendinitis
- Use a splint, brace or sling to keep the affected arm immobilized. Take note that limiting movement enables the tendons in the arm to rest and reduce the pain or discomfort.
Apply an ice pack on the site of arm tendinitis. - Engage in various activities aside from those that caused arm tendinitis. If playing tennis results to tennis elbow, it is recommended to switch to swimming to maintain the range of motion as well as exercise the arm.
- Apply an ice pack on the site of arm tendinitis. An alternative is an ice massage using a plastic foam cup filled with water that is stored in a freezer. Once the water freezes, rub the cup over the affected area to lessen the swelling and reduce the muscle spasms responsible for the pain. Do not apply more than 20 minutes since this can damage the skin.
- Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen can be given. These medications not only alleviate the pain, but also lessen the swelling linked with arm tendinitis.
- Perform regular stretching exercises.
- Utilize resistance bands to strengthen the muscles around the arms. This helps in stabilizing the bones and allows the body to better endure pressure.
A doctor must be seen if the symptoms do not settle using over-the-counter measures. The doctor might suggest a cortisone shot that is given to lessen the swelling and redness.