Major pressure points for emergency purposes

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The capability to quickly manage bleeding is a vital skill that can determine if an individual will lose a limb or save his/her life. The application of direct pressure and elevation of the affected site to the level of the heart is enough for most cases, but applying pressure to the correct pressure point might be required for cases that involve severe bleeding. By being familiar with these commonly used pressure points, you are prepared during emergencies. All you have to do is to register for a first aid course today.

Head and facial injuries

Injuries sustained to the tissues in the head and face tends to bleed profusely whether minor abrasions or lacerations. The reason for this is the abundance of vessels that supply blood to these tissues. Take note that these wounds often appear worse than they are but they can be difficult to control with direct pressure especially if the small superficial arteries are involved.

Pressure points
Injuries sustained to the tissues in the head and face tends to bleed profusely whether minor abrasions or lacerations.

Injuries that lead to the bleeding of the scalp can be managed with the application of pressure on the superficial temporal artery found at the temple on the same side of the head. As for wounds on the forehead, pressure should be applied on the supraorbital margin which the bony structure forming the upper part of the eye sockets. As for bleeding on the inferior half of the face, apply pressure on the angle of the jaw bone down to the region of the chin in order to reduce the bleeding since it occludes the facial artery.

Injuries to the upper extremities

Bleeding from any region of the arms or hands can be controlled if pressure is applied to the brachial artery. Take note that this point is found by positioning several fingers beneath the upper arm at several inches from the armpit and pressing inward until a pulse is felt. As for bleeding higher than this location, the pressure should be applied to the subclavian artery. You can locate the artery by positioning several fingers above the clavicle and pressing downward up to the back of the chest.

Injuries in the lower extremity

The legs and feet can also be damaged. The management of bleeding often requires the individual to lie down to properly elevate the extremity higher than the heart. The main pressure point for the lower extremities is the femoral artery which is located on the interior of the thigh close to the area of the groin. Take note that this artery requires more pressure due to its deep location. Additionally, due to its location, you have to be careful to avoid contact with areas that are inappropriate while ensuring that the bleeding is controlled.

Nose bleeding

In cases of nose bleeding, it is not only awkward but can be dangerous in some circumstances. Nose bleeding that occurs without trauma can indicate a health issue that requires medical care.

As for those caused by trauma, you have to apply pressure using a cloth between the fingertips of the thumb, index and middle fingers over the bridge of the nose. You can also use an ice pack that is wrapped inside the cloth.

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